June 9, 2016

Community Displayed Strong Support During Parkinson’s Awareness Month

To the Editor:

April was Parkinson’s Awareness Month and the Princeton community displayed their strong support with donations and efforts to raise awareness of this disease. The Parkinson Alliance is grateful to area merchants for two events that raised awareness of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and funds for much needed research.

For the seventh straight year, McCaffrey’s offered their customers the option of donating to The Parkinson Alliance when they checked out at all four of their stores. As a result, over $5,500 was raised for research.

The following restaurants participated in the 7th Annual Princeton Dines Out for Parkinson’s Disease Research, Blue Point Grill, Despana, Eno Terra, Gennaroís, Mediterra, PJ’s Pancake House, Teresa Caffe, The Peacock Inn, Trattoria Procaccini, and Witherspoon Grill. When diners enjoyed a meal at any of these restaurants from April 22 through April 28, a percentage of the proceeds were donated to The Parkinson Alliance.

Our organization raises funds for the most promising PD research that will improve the quality of life for those living with PD and ultimately, help find a cure. While we fund research nationally, The Parkinson Alliance is a resource in our local area for those living with PD. We thank the community for its generous support.

Carol Walton

Chief Executive Officer

Helaine Isaacs

Event Director, The Parkinson Alliance