March 21, 2012

Council Decision Approving Avalon Bay Density Ignores Community Opposition

To the Editor:

The Princeton Borough Council’s decision at its February 28 meeting approving the request by the developer AvalonBay to increase the density of the Hospital site was given in spite of the strong opposition to the developer’s petition expressed by several Princeton community organizations and individual residents and, before receiving impact reports on traffic, waste disposal, water usage and various other municipality services from the developer.

Borough Council members chose to ignore the arguments presented against approving the petition to rezone the site. With the notable exception of Jenny Crumiller, the Council was more interested in facilitating the implementation of AvalonBay’s business plan than in the passing of legislation for the benefit the neighbors and the town.

As elected officials, Council members should examine the arguments of the people they represent, while ensuring that existing legislation, such as the amendments introduced to the Master Plan in 2007 requiring that all new and remodeled buildings use sustainable building designs, are upheld.

Antonio Reinero
Carnahan Place