November 2, 2016

Viewing Liz Lempert Through the Lens Of Three Generations Residing in Princeton

To the Editor:

In 2025, my son will graduate from Princeton High School, 75 years after his great-grandparents arrived in Princeton to raise a young family. They chose Princeton for the same reasons I moved back to raise mine, as did my mother before me. We cherish and have benefited from the intellectual vibrancy, excellent school system, thriving cultural life, urban proximity, progressive values, and diverse international population.

Princeton’s appeal, as evidenced by the increasing demand for real estate, has led to a critical juncture in the town’s history: how can we preserve the essential character and qualities which make it so desirable without retreating to a nostalgia that paralyzes our capacity for action? Liz Lempert has demonstrated an exceptional ability to actively engage and personally connect with a wide variety of community members. This will equip her in facilitating a coherent planning process that is ethical, equitable, economically productive, and environmentally sound.

In her time as mayor, I’ve had the chance to view Liz through the lens of three generations residing in Princeton — each with its own set of distinct needs and concerns — and to witness her competence in finding balanced, innovative solutions that strengthen the social fabric of our community. She understands that an effective leader must create the conditions for greater civic engagement and has worked with Council to make local government more open and accessible.

Liz is the ultimate antidote to forces that threaten our collective well-being: isolation, entitlement, and indifference. With her as mayor residents are heard, supported, valued, and included in bringing about the changes they envision. Please join me on November 8 in voting to re-elect Mayor Lempert, and in working with her the next four years to shape the future of Princeton.

Mia Sacks

Terhune Road