Trenton’s Patriots Week Celebrates Revolution
More than 35 events will take place in Trenton during Patriots Week, the annual commemoration of the city’s crucial involvement in the Revolutionary War. It has been 241 years since the Battle of Trenton saved the cause of the Continental Army and the American Revolution in 1776.
Planned are battle reenactments, planetarium shows, lectures, historic tours, and more. The famous battle will be reenacted on Saturday, December 30 at 11 a.m. A Revolutionary Pub Crawl is led by the Trenton Downtown Association on December 27, with Colonial dress welcome. The Capital Singers of Trenton will perform on December 30, and the New Jersey Capital Philharmonic closes out the week on New Year’s Eve with a concert at the War Memorial auditorium.
The Trenton Historical Society presents the documentary “John Hart: Portrait of a Patriot” on December 28 at 7 p.m. at the New Jersey State Museum. Children’s events include stories about George Washington on December 27, with crafts and interactive activities and Colonial-era games, at the Trenton Free Public Library.
Nearby events include the reenactment of Washington crossing the Delaware in Washington Crossing, Pa. on Christmas Day, and a reenactment of the Battle of Princeton by the Princeton Battlefield Society.
For a full list of events, parking, and ticket information, visit