Another Longtime Princeton Business Has Disappeared from Shopping Center
To the Editor:
Recently, in pursuit of a belt for an ailing vacuum cleaner and some vacuum bags, we discovered that American Sew-Vac, a longtime Princeton icon, had disappeared from the Princeton Shopping Center without a trace. Standing there in puzzlement, we were approached by a total stranger, who informed us that the store had moved to somewhere in Pennington. We understand that the rent was raised beyond what the proprietors could afford. That’s right — like Jordan’s.
According to the shopping center’s website, the store is still there. In real life, it’s not. It now resides at 129 Route 31. Fortunately, they kept their old phone number, and we were able to track them down.
The store’s own website, as of this writing, does not reflect the move either — like the store, the website is somewhat old-fashioned and unsophisticated. But it’s a great store, invaluable if you own a sewing machine (or if you ever have occasion to thread a needle), and pretty darned handy if you own a vacuum cleaner.
At the time of the move, a sign was posted to tell customers of American Sew-Vac’s new location. The management of the shopping center would not permit the sign to remain in place. We can’t imagine why, since no one else is using the space yet. Leaving the sign up — or possibly, if it was deemed unsightly, replacing it with a better-looking one — would have been the neighborly thing to do.
The cozy usefulness of Princeton Shopping Center has been reduced. Yet again.
Eva Foster
Ewing Street
Sue Tillett
Moore Street
Carolyn Barnshaw
Terhune Road