Knowledge, Experience Learned as Architect Make Kevin Wilkes Best Candidate for Mayor
To the Editor:
I am voting for Kevin Wilkes to be the candidate for mayor of Princeton in the June 5 Democratic primary. I would like to present my reasons and show why you, fellow Princetonians, should mark your ballot for him, too.
Kevin came to live in Princeton in 1975 when he started his architecture studies at Princeton University. So, for over 25 years he has been both Township and Borough resident. He has also served as a Borough council member for the past four years.
Mr. Wilkes in an architect. Architects are artists, creators of tangible beauty. However, architecture studies are not easy. In fact, they are quite complex, for they give the artist concrete knowledge of what could and should be done when building. In architecture school, these dreamers acquire so much through a host of subjects that “ground” them so they can not only dream about beauty, but understand how to make it happen. Architects not only draw; architects know about physics laws, stability and structures. Architects know about planning, zoning, and to integrate the landscape into the buildings and their functions. Architects know how to prepare budgets and meet deadlines. Architects know how to listen to their clients, complete projects with quality materials while solving last minute crises that are always encountered while involved in a construction.
With this vast knowledge and years of experience, Kevin Wilkes can’t be fooled. He gets the job done, within budget, no excuses.
As an artist, he created “Quark Park” and the “Writers’ Block”, both entrepreneurial art projects that embellished the Princeton brand across the country.
Kevin knows about diversity. For him, diversity is not the overused/misused fad of the moment. His mother was a visionary, who sent young Kevin to spend his summers in Spain. There he mastered a new language , lived and appreciated a different culture, which left in Kevin’s psyche, the indelible gift of an open mind.
In combination with his professional and public life, Kevin has worked with our Hispanic population. He knows firsthand their work ethic, aspirations, and problems. Through his work with LALDEF and the Latin American Task force, the Latinos here trust Kevin to look out for their interests. Kevin feels and shows empathy towards them with actions.
On June 5, please vote for Kevin Wilkes in the Democratic primary to be the candidate for mayor of unified Princeton
Sandra J. Bierman
Grover Avenue