August 1, 2018

Sustainable Princeton Supports the Environmental, Health, and Cost Benefits of Safe Lanes for Biking

To the Editor:

Based on our recent greenhouse gas inventory, we know that transportation sources are responsible for 32.27 percent of Princeton’s greenhouse gas emissions. With this knowledge, we greatly applaud the Princeton Bike Advisory Committee’s recent Beta Bike Lane and its impact on creating a safe riding artery to the downtown district. It was inspiring to take part in this collaborative effort and it demonstrated what we can do as a community when we come together to make Princeton a better place to live and work. We fully encourage the Princeton Council to move forward towards creating a permanent bike lane.

With the majority of Princeton residences within 2.5 miles to downtown, a reasonable distance for bike riding, we have a great opportunity to reduce our environmental impact by leaving vehicles at home for in-town travel.

In addition to reducing emissions, commuting by bike has numerous health benefits as it provides built-in daily exercise that burns calories, improves cardiovascular fitness, lowers blood pressure, and builds muscle.

It is critical that Princeton evolve with the times. Making Princeton a more walkable, bikeable town will attract new residents and visitors, particularly car-weary younger generations. We must, as a community, support the environmental, health, and cost benefits of creating safe lanes for biking.

Climate change is a problem to which are all contributing and our daily choices impact the footprint we are leaving.

Molly Jones and Christine Symington

Sustainable Princeton