September 18, 2018

Concerned About the Word “Resistance” In the Head of Sept. 12 Page One Story

To the Editor:

I find it puzzling and inaccurate that you chose to use the term “resistance” in the headline of the page one story [“Schools Face Resistance to Referendum Plan,” Sept. 12] to describe how many citizens in our community are reacting to the fact that an attempt is being made to “railroad” a variety of public school enhancements at a proposed cost of $130 million which these very citizens would have to help fund.

These citizens are only rightly asking for a well thought-out proposal, which takes into account the real assumptions, the real costs, and the real needs of the schools involved. Hardly resistance ….

Up until now, the process the school board has followed has been lacking a professional well thought-out plan and is based more on emotion than fact. They seem to be the ones “resisting” sharing the very information we all deserve to have as taxpayers long before any vote is scheduled.

Mark Larsen

Hun Road