June 20, 2012

Princeton Athletic Club Community Mile Accessible, Affordable, Wonderfully Run

To the Editor:

Many thanks to the Princeton Athletic Club (PAC) for Wednesday night’s wonderfully run — in every sense of the word — Community Mile at Princeton High School. On a glorious June evening dozens of runners, ranging in age from grade-schoolers to senior citizens, turned out to test themselves with a four-lap effort around the PHS track. There were fast times, close finishes, plenty of cheering from friends, family, and fellow runners, and — when everyone had caught their breath — smiles on a lot of faces.

The meet was accessible, affordable, and very smoothly run. At a time when the promotion of healthy physical activity is more important than ever, events like this are an inspiration and a huge boon to the community. We should all — runners and spectators alike — salute the PAC. And turn out for their next event with running shoes laced tight!

Richard O’Brien

Linden Lane