Princeton Nursery School Thanks Arts Council for Help In Emergency
To the Editor:
The staff and Board of Trustees of the Princeton Nursery School( PNS) wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Jim Levine and all the staff of the Arts Council of Princeton for opening their doors to the children of PNS last week. After losing heat in the school and faced with the need to close our program for the rest of the week for the boiler to be replaced, Mr. Levine welcomed our students and staff to the Arts Council. Due to last minute shuffling of their schedule, our teachers were given access to two large spaces to set up our supplies so we were able to seamlessly continue the preschool program for our students, including our daily hunger prevention program, in the warmth of the beautiful Arts Council building. Thank you for your patience and for helping us relocate our program so that our working families were not inconvenienced.
The Arts Council has been a long time supporter of our mission at PNS, providing affordable quality preschool education and support services for economically disadvantaged students and their working parents. We are so thankful for this partnership and your willingness to help a neighbor in need.
Rosanda Wong
Executive Director of PNS
Danielle Bentsen M.D.
President, PNS Board of Trustees