Tuck-Ponder Looks Through Lens of Equity to Address Opportunity Gap
To the Editor:
There is a lot of discussion about the achievement gap in PPS. We need, first and foremost, to start looking at this as an opportunity gap. One of those gaps is between the test scores of white and Asian children vs. the scores of Black and Brown children. Yes, there is a significant gap. We all know that standardized test scores are only one indicator of achievement and that such tests themselves have inherent biases.
But if we are really serious in Princeton about addressing this opportunity gap, then we have to make decisions differently and spend money differently. It means that every decision about programs, about hiring, and about spending have to be looked at through the lens of equity – who gets helped and who gets hurt? It means that we need to make sure that every child has equal opportunity to the best education in order for them to achieve success in whatever they want to do in life. It means that we have to continue to invest in programs like pre-K education to ensure that every child in Princeton starts at the same place educationally and that every child is at or above reading level by the third grade. It means that we need to provide the best possible resources and support for our children with special needs. It means that we must hire more teachers and staff that are Black and Brown that our children of color can relate to and see themselves in and so that our white children see successful professionals and leaders of all colors and races. It means that we have to make tough decisions to fund programs that not only favor privileged members of our community, but that lift up and provide equal opportunity for those that lack resources.
Closing the gap in Princeton, above all, takes courage. There is one individual, Michele Tuck-Ponder, who has that courage and who has consistently demonstrated that she makes every decision and makes every vote based on looking through that lens of equity. As chair of the Equity Committee, Michele is already making sure that every educational decision, including every budget decision, passes the equity test – Who does it help? Who does it hurt? Michele’s life work is about equity and excellence for ALL.
I encourage you to vote for Michele on November 3. You can learn more about Michele at mtp4boe.com.
Evangeline And Alex Burgers
Peck Place
Afsheen Shamsi
William Patterson Court