Penn’s Neck is Not a Jug Handle: An Eight-Point Report on Closures
To the Editor:
1. The streets in the older sections of Penn’s Neck are not wide enough to handle large volumes of traffic. In addition, there are no curbs and many streets do not have sidewalks. Especially as winter approaches, it is vital to ensure the safety of residents and children walking on the roadways.
2. Many of the people we have spoken to have followed their GPS when it tells them to turn right at Washington Road. In fact, some of these people make multiple passes through the neighborhood because they are following directions. How does this reflect on West Windsor when visitors come to Princeton?
3. The signs on Route 1 are too small and too far from the Washington Road intersection. A drastic improvement is needed. The signs that are posted on Route 1 now do not have any relevance to visitors (drivers unfamiliar with road names). The sign on Route 95 tells of the road closures, but does not suggest an alternative to access Princeton (i.e. Route 206). The white sign with small black print in front of the Hyatt, for instance, does not catch the eye, and does not give mileage information. A sign needs to be placed between Alexander Road and Washington Road on Route 1 leading Princeton-bound traffic north and giving mileage of the new route.
4. What is the solution for people who turn right onto Washington Road in error? There are currently no directions leading them to an alternate route. Signs need to be placed on Washington Road telling people how to get to Princeton. Also Alexander Road is too small for large trucks or tour buses and often extremely congested.
5. The wait time on Washington Road should be made clear to those people coming to or leaving the train station. Currently the line to Route 1 on Washington Road stretches for over a mile for many hours during the day. What can be done to help people find other routes and to access the train station in a timely manner?
6. Timing of the traffic light at Route 1 and Washington Road is not acceptable. The DOT indicated that any change in the traffic light must be requested by the Township. Please fight for us and for the commuters who use the Princeton Junction train station.
7. West-Bound turns for residents out of Penn’s Neck during times of heavy traffic: we are unable to leave our homes and side streets from 7:30-10:00 a.m. and 3:30-7:30 p.m. Commuters are not always willing to allow residents access to the roads. What will be done to make Washington Road accessible to West Windsor Residents and commuters to/from the Princeton Junction Train station?
8. Repeat U-turners are a big issue. We have noticed the same vehicles using our neighborhood as their new traffic route. Commuters are actually upset that we don’t want them to use the neighborhood. What is the solution? How can we stress that Penn’s Neck is a neighborhood and not a de-facto jug handle?
For more information and to join us in working to a solution: Contact the DOT: the NoUTurns Facebook group:
Sharon Sibilia and Sanja Dimic
Washington Road
West Windsor Township