August 3, 2022

Arguing That Princeton Survey Has No Real Value; Community Deserves Better

To the Editor:

In a desire to make my contribution to the community I have called home for 25 years, I completed the questionnaire at and concluded that the survey has no real value. My reasons are as follows:

First, there is no control over the number of times anyone can take the survey.  I was able to take the survey multiple times without leaving my home. One can imagine how easy it would be for an individual or group to use multiple responses to manipulate the survey in order to obtain a desired result.

Second, the majority of the questions are trivial, subjective, and vague. Does the future of Princeton really depend on the fact that I purchase my groceries at McCaffrey’s?

At best, the survey is a cheap “feel good” for anyone who takes the time to complete it. At worst, it provides a flow of unreliable numbers to be used and/or manipulated in planning Princeton’s future. Our community deserves better.

Maryann Witalec Keyes
Franklin Avenue