April 19, 2023

Urging Use of Diversion Funds to Preserve Tracts on Princeton Ridge

To the Editor:

This is to urge those in decision making positions to use, to the greatest extent possible, the “diversion” funds to preserve the forest and wetland tracts on the Princeton Ridge to complete the “Emerald Necklace” [“Town Presents Proposal on Open Space Diversion,” Page 1, April 12]. Such action on the 90 acres and other forest tract would link to the 153 acres of existing woods. 

This forest preservation will aid in mitigating flooding and pollution, ecosystem preservation, a wildlife corridor, air quality enhancement, and weather moderation, as well as preserving the beauty of this valuable space, a critical asset to all in Princeton.

Princeton is in a large development phase with some woodlands being destroyed in the process, e.g. Terhune Road and the loss of thousands of trees due to the emerald ash borer. We need to counter this current and future loss of trees and woodlands with creation of large impervious material areas causing more water runoff by preserving as much wooded land as possible. More than ever, we must heed the need for holding back the effects of climate change.

For decision makers and others who care but may not have known what is at stake, your positive action is needed. Make your voice heard NOW as some decisions may be made as early as this week.

Grace Sinden
Ridgeview Circle