Addressing Feelings of Those Offended By Personal Attacks, Misinformation
To the Editor:
When they go low, we go high.
These past two months have been a blessing in disguise. Through the turmoil, I’ve met so many wonderful people and made amazing friends from all walks of life. I’ve decided to write this letter to address the feelings of those who feel offended by personal attacks, name calling, and the spread of misinformation. Unfortunately, people screaming the most about equity and inclusion are the ones that cast the sharpest stones and create exclusions far beyond what most of us have ever known.
There is, however, another way of looking at it. Every time the “divide and conquer” tactic is being invoked, I take it as a compliment because when one can’t attack the message, they attack the messenger. Any attempt to mock our “racist” efforts to keep a well-qualified, lead-by-example, most equitable and accomplished principal the district has ever had, is a sign that we are doing something right. Statements issued by PPBC [Princeton Parents for Black Children] show they will stoop low with attacks and lies to try and get the upper hand and are indicative of the fact that the organization is not hearing and/or not willing to listen to Black children and their parents who poured their hearts out at the PHS Rally on March 20, begged the BOE to reconsider at March 21 and March 28 meetings, pleaded with Dr. Kelley on April 21 at Valley Road, urged the BOE again on May 15, and cried the tears of devastation when the BOE stabbed them with the verdict after the Donaldson Hearing.
The anti-immigrant sentiment calling some of us “recent arrivals” is a voice of a small group of elitists, PPS outsiders, who don’t represent values of the Princeton community. Referring to Cranbury families that send their kids to PHS through a sending agreement adopted by the BOE as “non-residents” is a cheap shot by a small but vocal group of BOE loyalists to bring us down, drain our energy, and put us on defense.
Thanks to everyone who signed 5,200+ petitions and made generous donations. Special thanks to my friends who had provided personal input for this letter but prefer to stay anonymous in the fear of intimidation and retaliation, as well as so many foot soldiers working hard behind the scenes.
We are in it all together until justice is served. “There is power in numbers and there is power in unity.” —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Julia Rotenberg
Kingston Road