December 13, 2023

Extending Thanks to Those Involved in Bringing Master Plan to Completion

To the Editor:

Now that the Master Plan has been adopted by the Planning Board, we would like to thank the Board, Planning Director Justin Lesko, and Planning Department staff for their hard work in bringing this important effort to completion. We applaud the professionalism with which the Board and the Department pursued a complicated and sometimes contentious planning process. We appreciated the inclusive and productive input sessions, where many diverse perspectives were heard and, where practicable, addressed in the final draft.

We especially appreciate the Board’s leadership in confronting critical issues affecting our community, and its strong encouragement of continued public input as measures recommended by the Master Plan are proposed and debated in the months and years ahead.

Jane Scott
Battle Road

Meg Davis
Shadybrook Lane

Carol Golden
Snowden Lane

Charles Read
Rollingmead Street