April 10, 2024

Princeton University Should Reconsider Its Decision to Close Nassau Swim Club

To the Editor:

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding Princeton University’s recent decision to close Nassau Swim Club. As a member of the community who has cherished Nassau Swim Club for years, I cannot help but feel disheartened by what seems to be a disregard for the needs of the local families and children.

Nassau Swim Club holds a special place in the hearts of many as a beloved pool that has served as a valuable learning ground for numerous children in our community. It is a hidden gem, exuding the charm of old Princeton that is slowly fading in today’s ever-changing world. For many of us, Nassau has been a refuge where we could cling to the traditions of the past.

However, Princeton University’s decision to close Nassau Swim Club feels like a betrayal of the community’s trust. Despite the clear benefits Nassau provides to the community, it seems that the University is more focused on its own agenda than on the well-being of the families and children who rely on this cherished institution.

What is particularly concerning is that the University’s actions seem to prioritize financial considerations over the needs of the community. It is disheartening to learn that Princeton University plans to spend more money closing the pool than the debt Nassau owes them. This decision reflects a troubling shift away from the idealism that universities once stood for, instead turning them into mere corporate entities focused solely on profit.

In closing Nassau Swim Club, Princeton University risks not only depriving the community of a valuable resource, but also further eroding the sense of trust and goodwill between the University and its surrounding neighborhoods.

I urge Princeton University to reconsider its decision and to prioritize the well-being of the community by keeping Nassau Swim Club open for generations to come.

Chaitra Baum
Lovers Lane