Road Humps, Warning Signs Needed to Curtail Speeding on Snowden Lane
To the Editor:
We would like to add to Yasna Shahriarian’s thoughtful letter about the dangerous intersection of Hamilton Avenue, Rollingmead, and Snowden Lane [Mailbox, September 25].
As local residents, we walk or drive through that intersection every day. Many years ago, several of us, all residents of Snowden Lane, asked the town to install speed bumps along Snowden Lane. Our request was rejected.
More than shrubbery, which we don’t find inhibits our view, we think the problem is the highway-velocity speeding of cars going both ways along Snowden Lane. It is downhill in both directions, and the speeding is appallingly dangerous.
The local consensus among our neighbors is that speed humps would be good or at least a four-way stop sign be installed, with warning signs half-way up each hill to slow the traffic to stop and look safely.