Vol. LXI, No. 24
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Princeton Township Committee Monday unanimously approved an ordinance that bars the practice of "pay to play" in choosing contractors for municipal projects. In addition to Committee's code adoption, Princeton Borough Council has also introduced a companion measure, an initiative of former Princeton Borough Mayor Marvin Reed and Russ Weiss of the Princeton Community Democratic Organization. "The ordinance is a good government measure," Mr. Weiss said, adding that it "inspires confidence with the public." (MH)
Princeton University announced last week that it has received a $30-million gift to establish the McDonnell Center for Systems Neuroscience. The gift, a collaboration between University trustee James S. McDonnell III and John F. McDonnell and the JSM Charitable Trust, will help finance teaching and research conducted by the center, and will be housed within the Princeton Neuroscience Institute. The new center will investigate how the brain acquires, modifies, and stores information during cognitive processes.
The Trenton-Mercer Airport has received $3.64 million in federal grant funding that will be appropriated for repairs of the airport's taxiways, which are the aircraft-used roadways leading to the runways at Trenton-Mercer. The grant will be combined with an amended grant previously received by the county that will add another $360,000 to the approximately $6-million project. The county will allocate roughly $1.5 million in state-awarded grants toward the project. The total county share is about $275,000. The taxiway repair will begin by summer, according to a statement by County Executive Brian Hughes.
The Spirit of Princeton will hold its annual Flag Day celebration at Township Hall on June 14 at 12 p.m. The event provides a venue for proper disposal for flags, where they are ceremonially burned.
Princeton Public Library will host a special program on Thursday, June 14, at 7:30 p.m. "Community Caregiver Options," that will examine adult day center programs, residential programs, hospice care, and home care in the Princeton area. Staff members from Buckingham Place, Odyssey Hospice, Princeton HomeCare Services will lead the seminar in the first floor "Quiet Room." Registration is suggested. Call the library's Information Desk at (609) 924-9529, ext. 220 to register for the event.
The Princeton Regional Scholarship Foundation, which provides scholarships to Princeton High School graduates for college, university, or vocational training, is accepting donations as gifts in honor of PHS teachers or staff members. Last year, more than 90 students received financial assistance from the Foundation. The honorees will receive a hand-written note acknowledging the gift. Send donations, with name of honoree, to: Princeton Regional Scholarship Foundation, c/o Princeton High School, 151 Moore Street, Princeton, NJ 08540.
Princeton Regional Board of Education will hold a special public board meeting on Tuesday, June 16, at 8 p.m. in the Valley Road Administration Building in order to discuss personnel.
Princeton Township Committee will hold an informal public meeting on June 18 at 7 p.m. in the Community Room of Township Hall. The meeting, a continuation of a series of informal discussions hosted by the governing body, is designed to encourage community dialogue of items that would not normally appear on a regular meeting agenda.
The Princeton Public Library Board of Trustees will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, June 19, at 5 p.m. in the second floor conference room of the library.