Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXV, No. 25
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Retiring Staff Receives District’s Thanks; John Cronin Lauded

Ellen Gilbert

Representing some 330 hours of experience, Community Park Principal Sharon Goldman and 16 staff members from the Princeton Regional School District will be retiring from their positions this spring. At last week’s meeting, School Board President Rebecca Cox expressed the District’s appreciation to Ms. Goldman and all the retirees.

Personnel Committee Chair Molly Chrein reported that the search for Ms. Goldman’s successor has begun, and that the committee would be making a recommendation this summer.

Not in Our Town spokesperson Ann Yasuhara extended special thanks to retiree John Cronin, a John Witherspoon (JW) Middle School Guidance Counselor, for his leadership of the school’s intercultural Crossings program. Not in Our Town is a Princeton-based interracial, interfaith social action group “committed to speak truth about everyday racism and discrimination.” The success of Crossings came to the attention of Rep. Rush Holt (D-12) who sent a certificate honoring Mr. Cronin and the program, reported Ms. Yasuhara. After accepting the award, Mr. Cronin thanked Not in Our Town for its role in bringing Crossings to JW, and noted the support they had received from Community House.

The Valley Road Building was the subject of at least two recent committee meetings reported Finance Committee Chair Charles Kalmbach and Facilities Committee Chair Dorothy Bedford. No action was taken at either meeting, and neither chair offered details of the respective conversations, Ms. Bedford noted that her committee would “continue to evaluate proposals for the use” of the building.

Superintendent Judy Wilson described the senior class graduating from Princeton High School (PHS) this year as one that is “very large” and has “done exceptionally well.” As graduates of one of the nation’s best public high schools, they are headed, she said, to the finest colleges and work opportunities.

Ms. Wilson thanked the 101:Fund, a community based organization, for providing scholarships for PHS students. She cited the group’s “tireless volunteers” for “incredible” work that “happens almost nowhere else in the nation.”

While summer programs will be more abbreviated this year because of budget cuts, the five-week sessions will provide “educational support for many students,” said Ms. Wilson. “Everyone else: put down your phones and read,” she counseled.

Mr. Kalmbach acknowledged Business Administrator/Board Secretary Stephanie Kennedy for her continued success in selling the District’s surplus property, which includes buses.

In addition to Ms. Goldman and Mr. Cronin, this year’s retirees included Sandra Barlow, Marcia Cooper, Mary Demarest, Bonnie Gendaszek, Agnes Golding, Kim Gutglueck, Rosalind Levin, Sheila MacRae, Patricia Marion, Eileen Sanchez, Kathleen SanFillippo, Ann Sokoloff, Suzanne Thompson, and Joanne Westcott.

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