To the Editor:
Last week, it was a pleasure to read about James Steward and Adam Welch’s proposal to create a newly-formed committee for the town of Princeton which would be funded by levying a 1 percent fee on the cost of commercial and commercial residential capital projects, to be paid into a public art fund [“Council Gives Go-Ahead to Pursue Establishment of Public Art Master Plan, page 1, August 16].
I had the pleasure of working with James Steward on the Princeton Public Art Selection Committee, which was created by Liz Lempert in 2018. I also worked with Adam Welch on an exhibition of his sculpture in 2013 while he was teaching at Princeton University. For these two visionary men to collaborate and offer their time to create a public art program is an exceptional gift for our town. With the 2025 opening of the Princeton University Art Museum, the dynamic Arts Council of Princeton, and a new committee to purchase public art, we will all benefit and the town will be on a higher cultural plane for decades to come.
Jody Erdman
Mountain Avenue