March 22, 2023

To the Editor:

We are not just owners of a business in Princeton, we live here too. The reason our beautiful town and many others across the country and the world have cafes is because they are the modern day meeting place for all walks of life. A refreshing place to have a conversation, meet new people, and learn new things. Our goal is to be as additive to the community as feasible. We see our new cafe at 300 Witherspoon as the best way to both serve a cup of coffee and bring our community closer to the source — the bean — and the process — the roast.

Last week’s letter to the editor [“Zoning Board Meeting Will Address Application for Coffee Roasting Variance,” Mailbox, March 15] notes a NIOSH bulletin that is in reference to exposure by employees directly responsible for roasting at commercial roasting plants (not people downwind from the exhaust vent). The detailed NIOSH reports actually go on to further say that there is less exposure at roasting facilities than at traditional cafes (where the coffee is ground). more

To the Editor:

As I was bicycling to the local Princeton Shopping Center last week, I saw that the scrub pine and trash on the corner of Terhune and Harrison had been cleared. Finally, after years of discussion, housing will be built — where it can do the most good.

I admit mixed feelings about losing trees, but there are hundreds of acres of trees preserved 1/2 mile north in Autumn Hill Reserve and Herrontown Woods. more

To the Editor:

I am writing is regards to the proposed development at Nassau and Harrison streets.

Wake up, Princeton, and stop allowing greed to masquerade as affordable housing. The development at Princeton Shopping Center, the planned destruction of buildings on Nassau Street (near St. Paul’s Church) with new construction of multi-story units in their place, and now the proposed huge structure at the corner of Nassau and Harrison streets are being touted as affordable housing done right. The truth is that 80 percent of these projects are intended to generate profits for the developers while only 20 percent will be affordable units. These corporations grab their money and move to other locations, leaving our community to deal with the traffic, safety issues and increased burdens on our school system they create.

Princeton deserves better.

Maryann Witalec Keyes
Franklin Avenue

March 15, 2023

To the Editor:

I’m writing to alert residents of the Witherspoon-Jackson and Community Park neighborhoods to an upcoming meeting of the Princeton Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) next Wednesday, March 22 at 7:30 p.m.

At that meeting, the ZBA will continue hearing an application for a zoning variance to operate a coffee roasting facility at 300 Witherspoon Street (the old Packet building).

In case readers don’t know, coffee “roasting” is not the same thing as “brewing.” Roasting removes (and puts into the air) various unpleasant smelling chemicals, so that what we brew in our kitchens can smell and taste good.

According to the Centers for Disease Control National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH) bulletin on coffee roasting, the process “naturally releases diacetyl, 2,3-pentanedione, other volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), and gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.” The bulletin goes on to discuss the impacts of airborne coffee dust on persons with asthma.  more

To the Editor:

At a time when our community increasingly acknowledges that the lands we live on were the ancestral home of the Lenni Lenape, it was disappointing to see a front page photo in the March 8 Town Topics of a sign that perpetuates the idea that no one lived in Princeton until Europeans arrived in 1683.

“Welcome to Princeton, Settled in 1683” are the words on the seven signs greeting residents and visitors on the major roadways leading into Princeton, but the Lenni Lenape lived here long before that. more

To the Editor:

I would like to add my voice to the more than 500 people concerned about the proposed development at the intersection of Harrison and Nassau streets. Most of the arguments against the project have already been well advanced, but I would like to add a personal note that others may also feel. Specifically, I often pass this intersection walking into town and enjoy its sense of openness and feeling for Princeton’s unique history that the intersection evokes. I feel a four-story building looming over this important gateway to Princeton will greatly diminish these qualities.

I do also want to echo the concerns about traffic; the last thing this intersection needs is additional cars funneling onto Harrison street at that immediate corner. Turning onto Harrison from the side of the street of the proposed development Is already quite challenging. The proposed development will undoubtedly exacerbate this problem.

Lydia Frank
Riverside Drive

To the Editor:

I was reminded today of one of the reasons Princeton is a great town. I had a quiet knock on my door — a neighbor out walking her dog wanted me to know that I had a flat tire on the rear passenger side of my car, so I would have been unlikely to see it. Thank you for going out of your way to let me know!

And then, as my son and I were struggling to take off the tire, John, a previously unknown neighbor, pulled over to ask if we needed help. He was a wealth of knowledge and equipment. He took us through the process — not only taking off our tire, but then he fixed it for us, inflated the tire, and helped to put it back on the car. My new plan is to have a full tire repair kit in each car — now that I know what is needed.

This is a perfect example of the great people who live in this town. Thanks to both of you!

Anne-Marie Maman
Moore Street

To the Editor:

This is in response to the letter “Wondering Who Benefits From New Garbage Collection System” [Mailbox, March 8].

Municipal trash collection programs are governed by state law. Contracting with a trash hauler requires preparing detailed bid specifications using the state’s Uniform Bid Specification, soliciting and receiving bids, analyzing those bids, and then awarding the contract to the lowest acceptable bidder. There are no negotiations beyond this process — the municipality sets the collection parameters, and the bidder must meet them.  

In the last few years of our previous contract, which expired in January 2023, Princeton experienced approximately 20 percent increases in the cost of the collection service due to pandemic-related shortages of labor and materials. Trash haulers have been unable to hire and retain personnel, and on-the-job injuries further exacerbate the problem. At the same time, other New Jersey municipalities were reporting that their collection contract fees were increasing by 60 to 100 percent when they solicited bids for unchanged collection programs. As such, the governing body worked to contain additional costs and act as a good steward of the environment. These steps include uniform carts and bulk waste collection by reservation.   more

To the Editor:

I can’t imagine how any development could improve the Nassau/Harrison intersection and/or the surrounding area. The car traffic is heavy and constant; it’s a dangerous place for pedestrians to cross.

How about negotiating with the University for some of that open land down on Harrison Street at Faculty Road?

Francesca Benson
Bainbridge Street

To the Editor:

The afternoon of Saturday, March 11 found a good number of New Jersey citizens from all parts of the state (on Zoom and in person) demonstrating their interest in electoral reform in New Jersey by attending Sen. Shirley Turner’s event, “Reducing Election Costs and Assuring Elected Officials are Approved by the Majority of Voters.”

She described two bills, S3546 — “Ending the County Line for N.J.’s Primaries” and S3369 —“Municipal and School Board Voting Options Act.” The first opens New Jersey’s primary ballots to all qualified candidates, ending so-called “ballot Siberia” for those who don’t get the county party organization nod. The second is New Jersey’s bottoms-up way to allow municipalities to use ranked-choice voting in their municipal and/or school board elections. Both are important in increasing voter participation and representation.  more

March 8, 2023

To the Editor:

When I married and moved to Princeton Township in the mid-1970s, garbage collection was a pretty simple affair. An independent contractor backed his pickup up our driveway, opened the garage door, and emptied our garbage into the back of his truck. The profits went to support his family. When recycling started in Princeton he had less to pick up. I was glad. Perhaps it gave him a little extra for his family.

The Township and Borough merged. The independent contractor lost his business as the newly created municipality contracted with a company to collect the garbage all over Princeton, my home included. The garbage had to be taken out to the curb, but whether there was a little or a lot to be taken away did not matter. The profit from the garbage collection now went to a company, not to an individual contractor and his family. more

To the Editor:

I am writing to echo the concerns highlighted by Donald Denny’s letter [Mailbox, February 22]. As a longtime homeowner in Princeton’s Jugtown Historic District, I take great pride in my home and ensuring that alterations I’ve made over the years respect the integrity of our historic community. The added burden of seeking the Historical Preservation Commission’s (HPC) approval to these improvements is not insignificant, but a burden I understood when purchasing my home. One I viewed positively, as a form of protection, ensuring the historic character of the neighborhood I fell in love with would be maintained. My neighbors and I view ourselves not simply as homeowners, but rather caretakers of these properties, so that future generations have glimpses into Princeton’s past. more

To the Editor:

I would like to share my great concern about the proposed development at 344 Nassau Street at the corner of Nassau and Harrison streets in the Jugtown Historic District. Jugtown is a special and historically rich area. It would be a travesty to see it destroyed.

We have some of the oldest houses in Princeton on these corners. Jugtown is a treasured part of our town and should be respected for future generations in Princeton. The oversized four-story building that is being planned at 344 Nassau Street would tower over the historic homes in the neighborhood at 45 feet high and reach to the sidewalk on Harrison Street. more

To the Editor:

Congratulations and appreciation to our Princeton Health Department and Board of Health on achieving the Gold Star award from Sustainable Jersey in meeting “rigorous requirements” for the Health category.

Princeton is one of only three (out of 565) municipalities in New Jersey to receive this high recognition.

As a former member of the Board of Health, I know how much effort goes into such work, much more so in the almost three years of the COVID pandemic.

Appreciation also to our mayor and Council, and others, for their constant support of the extraordinary, increased health and other additional work involved during the pandemic.

Bravo to all!

Grace Sinden
Ridgeview Circle

March 1, 2023

To the Editor:

Thanks to Donald Gilpin for the insightful interview with Jeff Lucker, who retired after 53 years of teaching history at Princeton High School [“Jeff Lucker, 53 Years at PHS: ‘It’s Amazing What Can Be Done,’” February 15, page 10]. I especially appreciated Lucker’s quote,  “It’s more than simply passion for the subject. It’s passion for the students and an interest in communicating with the students and the interaction with them. It’s amazing what can be done if you have that.”

I’m sending it to my granddaughter to encourage her. A history major at Wake Forest, she believes she is called to teach high school history for exactly that reason — the ability to communicate and interact with students. And, of course, we all are grateful for the dedication of Mr. Lucker and all of the teachers who have done their best during COVID. 

Barbara Fox
Stonebridge at Montgomery, Skillman

To the Editor:

We respect that there can be differences of opinion with regards to housing policy, but Mayor Freda’s comments [The Montgomery News, February 23] to a group of realtors in Montgomery in January go beyond a difference in opinion. They reflect a lingering, unproductive narrative in Princeton. We the undersigned dispute these characterizations and remind the public that they are misguided and unrepresentative.

Mayor Freda suggested that our inclusionary developments inherently underproduce affordable units and that there are issues with how and where they are built. Princeton’s fair share settlement contradicts this narrative. Consider its ambitious plan for housing on Franklin Ave — 50 percent affordable, 50 percent market rate. Or consider that most of this housing will be located on vastly underutilized, already-developed land in walkable areas with access to public transit. More importantly, Mayor Freda implies a preference for an alternative that does not presently exist. Inclusionary developments may not be perfect, but they provide critically important affordable housing now without requiring significant public subsidy. Waiting for a different solution to materialize is a proven strategy to undermine affordable housing construction and belies the urgency of the matter. more

To the Editor:

I thank Town Topics for sharing this letter with me and the opportunity to reply to it. I also extend an invitation to the letter signers to talk about this. I am a big believer in the idea of actually talking to someone you may disagree with or believe has wrong information; I always welcome anyone to do this with me. You do not have to agree with me for me to listen to you.

I believe that the letter was written after reading a newspaper article referring to a panel discussion I participated in. There was a question and answer session after the panel talked, so I am assuming this letter is based on the newspaper article and not having actually heard all of my comments. If the information I have been given about how Fair Share Housing is funded is incorrect; I have no problem accepting that. And correcting that.  more

February 22, 2023

To the Editor:

The enjoyable article in Town Topics about moving 91 Prospect across the street (where its address will surely change!) referred to the building as “Court” [“Court Clubhouse Almost Ready for Move,” February 1, page 1].

This building had another history that deserves to be remembered. In about 1968 it became half of Stevenson Hall, a non-bicker Princeton University-managed dining facility with its own dynamic history. (I’m looking forward to telling a Princeton alum that the building he celebrated his wedding in has crossed the street). The other half of Stevenson Hall, 83 Prospect, housed the University’s kosher kitchen until 1993, but 91 Prospect continued to be Stevenson Hall for another 10 years.

Tobias D. Robison, GS ’65
Jefferson Road

To the Editor:

In 2020, the town of Princeton passed an ordinance #2020-17 that implemented affordable housing overlays as a way of promoting residential development in town. By easing zoning restrictions for residential development in areas designated under the AHO ordinance, the town provided incentives for developers to build new residential housing that would include at least 20 percent affordable housing units. In 2023 we are beginning to see the impact of these eased rules on residents in and near these AHO districts, particularly in designated historic districts, where there are some unexpected consequences. We support the concept of AHO’s and the need to build affordable housing. The devil, as usual, is in the details. I believe the current ordinance needs to be revised.

At the Planning Board meeting of February 2, 2023, developer RB Homes presented a concept plan for development of 344 Nassau Street, at the corner of Nassau and Harrison streets. This project is in both the AHO-2 overlay and the Jugtown Historic District. Under the rules of the AHO, building requirements that are part of normal zoning are superseded by the AHO rules.  In short, the protections against overdevelopment of Jugtown are eliminated. This is not the case in the Jackson-Witherspoon AHO-7 approved in January 2023, where the role of the Historic Preservation Committee is affirmed.  more

To the Editor:

The Sourland Conservancy does not support the proposed “Hopewell” boutique hotel plan, and we respectfully urge the Hopewell Township Zoning Board to reject the application.

The Sourland region is home to the largest contiguous forest in Central New Jersey. Its mosaic of habitat is home to a rich diversity of animal and plant species, many rare or endangered. The entire Sourland Mountain Region is a designated Continental IBA ( Important Bird Area) macrosite, and is one of only 113 such sites in the United States. Millions of migratory birds rely on the Sourland forest’s food and shelter to survive their journey from South America to New England and Canada.

In 2020, the NJ Forest Service estimated that the 90-square-mile Sourland region was on track to lose over one million trees due to a single invasive insect, the emerald ash borer. Now, the spotted lanternfly threatens our forests and farms. Baldpate Mountain and Fiddlers Creek Preserve, adjacent to the property, provide critical habitat for birds, turtles, amphibians, pollinators, and other sensitive wildlife species whose numbers are already in steep decline.

Practicing good stewardship today is an uphill battle, and we must honor and defend the work of those who have gone before us to provide for the well-being of future generations. In 2002, Hopewell Township created a Master Plan to “protect, enhance, and maintain the best interests of current and future citizens.”  more

To the Editor:

Your blurb on February 15 [Topics in Brief, page 4] about the trial pickleball courts [behind Community Park Elementary School and Community Park Pool] is correct, but I would add that users have organized themselves through the app TeamReach. One of pickleball’s strength is its welcoming social nature, and this is a way to meet and enjoy the game with new acquaintances. Currently there are 80 registered users on the app. Also, despite the court trial period being mostly during the winter, usage continues.

Those wishing to join the group on TeamReach should look for Princeton PBall and apply the code “bigdillfun.” Look forward to seeing even more pickleballers!

Douglas Blair
Patton Avenue

February 15, 2023

To the Editor:

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I would like to share our story. In 2014, my husband of 32 years Roy was battling acute myeloid leukemia and he needed a bone marrow transplant to save his life. But we couldn’t find a match in our family.

So, we turned to the national registry and someone we had never met gave my husband the lifesaving transplant he needed. Because of this loving gift, we can share Valentine’s Day and many more days, together.

I’m trying to pay it forward by sharing my story, hopefully to inspire Princeton students to join the national registry at I’m also participating in a virtual fly-in to Congress later this month. For more than 40 years, visionaries in Congress, including New Jersey Reps. Bonnie Watson Coleman and Chris Smith, have supported funding so the C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program has the resources to facilitate lifesaving transplants to patients like Roy. more

To the Editor:

I am writing in appreciation to all those involved in the imagining of, planning for, and supporting of the new, remarkably joy-giving, fenced dog park that opened on the Community Park grounds just over a week ago. From idea to fruition surely there were challenges, but the genius is in not giving up. To fill a void long felt with a safe space for dogs to stretch, chase, and play? Such a success!

Much gratitude to Mia Sacks, whose love of canines and knowledge that dog parks bring about human connection sparked it all. For those of us who have laughed easily as our dogs discover each other — no matter size, color, texture of coat, known breed or creative rescue combinations, temperament, or age — the acceptance, curiosity, and play among our dogs has been inspiring. Thank you to all the dog owners who have responsibly been monitoring their dog’s first “meetings.”

During my own visits to the dog park, the two-legged and four-legged species are engaged, and happy. The power of community building that comes from a simple, shared gift is, frankly, wonderful. I could anthropomorphically wax eloquent on how my two Goldendoodles “feel” but instead, I would just like to add that as a human physician, focused on wellness, I especially appreciate the added benefits the CP dog park offers for social engagement, laughter, fresh air, athletic ball throwing, vitamin D, and support for our deficient microbiomes. It’s a win-win all around and a welcome experiment that I for one would vote to keep!

Julie Pantelick, D.O.
Vandeventer Avenue

To the Editor:

In 2009, the West Windsor Community Farmers Market (WWCFM) and Yes We CAN! began a journey to bring fresh vegetables to our neighbors in Trenton and Princeton, while supporting the farmers at the WWCFM. The formula remains simple: visitors to the market make cash donations to the Yes We CAN! volunteers and we then purchase produce directly from the farmers. As the Market closes, the van from Arm In Arm arrives to collect the produce, and brings it to the Trenton and Princeton Pantries, where it is given to our neighbors on Monday morning. In 2022, Yes We CAN! donated 38,711 pounds of food to Arm In Arm Food Pantries in Trenton and Princeton.

Chris Cirkus, manager of the WWCFM, and her team have been tireless advocates for our work. The sense of community that the WWCFM team creates each Saturday allows for Yes We CAN! to do good work for our neighbors who simply need help at this point in their lives. By giving our neighbors healthy food, along with protein and shelf-sustainable items, Arm In Arm and Yes We CAN! are easing their daily lives and giving them a bit of hope along with dignity and respect. Yes We CAN! has also become a drop-off spot for shelf-sustainable food as well as books, coats, hats, and gloves.  more

To the Editor:

The profile of Wildflowers in last week’s issue [“Wide Array of Arrangements, Bouquets, and More are Available at Wildflowers of Princeton Junction,” It’s New to Us, February 8] was spot-on! Co-owner Michael Piccioni and staff did an amazing job at our daughter’s wedding a little over a year ago, adding beauty, variety, and originality to every detail. The crowning touch was the remarkable way they decorated the chuppah to incorporate a beloved old tallith belonging to our son-in-law’s family.

Bravo, Wildflowers!

Ellen Gilbert Castellana
Stuart Road East