January 8, 2025

To the Editor:

Adding to a successful year (“Growing Town Balances Optimism, Concerns at 2024 Year End,” January 1, page 1), the nonprofit Princeton Einstein Museum of Science (PEMS) enlivened Dohm Alley on Nassau Street for over five months with a free exhibit, “Einstein’s Attraction to Magnetism.”  Over 20,000 people from across the country and around the world enjoyed the show, funded by the Richard Lounsbery Foundation and with special thanks to Stanley Dohm and Princeton Future.

PEMS closed out the year with a $50,000 gift from the William Watt Family and will be back next in 2025 with a new exhibit, “Einstein’s Brain: Mind of a Genius.”

Elizabeth Romanaux
PEMS Founder and Chair
Sycamore Place

To the Editor:

Regarding the upcoming referendum vote for Princeton Public Schools, I offer the following for consideration by the taxpayers as they weigh the pros and cons of supporting what I believe to be a well-conceived plan by the district. During my own recent service as a School Board member, I wrangled with this planning. As a parent, I know our middle and high schools to be unpleasantly crowded and Littlebrook School has no room for storage or growth. Redistricting is coming for our elementary schools no matter what, and the referendum will enable that redistricting to be thoughtful while supporting walking and biking to school.

I begin with the premise that small class sizes are in the best interests of our students and teachers. New housing units continue to be built in town. Growth is here and coming.  more

To the Editor:

Like many of our neighbors, one of the reasons we moved into the Municipality of Princeton was due to the excellent public schools. Our three boys (two of whom will graduate from Princeton High School this June) have benefited tremendously from their time at Littlebrook, Princeton Middle School, and Princeton High School. So that future students can likewise enjoy the advantages of a top-notch public school education, we urge our Princeton neighbors to support the January 28 public schools referendum.

Our schools are already at or near capacity — this before the increase expected in the coming years due to the 1,000+ additional housing units coming online in the next five years. In order to continue to provide the same level of public school excellence so many of our children have enjoyed, particularly related to class size, it is imperative that we plan ahead and provide more space in our schools and fund necessary renovations. Unfortunately, we cannot pay for the necessary expansions/renovations out of existing operating funds, due to the state-imposed 2 percent cap on the amount school taxes can grow year-to-year and because doing so would prevent us from receiving state aid to subsidize the cost of improvements (and, if all three of the questions described below pass, our community will receive an estimated total of $19.9M in state aid). more

To the Editor:

Rejoice! After years of asking, Mercer County is now accepting #5 plastics in our curbside recycling bins. So in 2025, we can recycle all #1, #2, and #5 plastics —including yogurt and condiment containers, amber-colored prescription bottles, take-out containers, beverage caps, and jar lids.

The county says that 91 percent of what we put in the yellow bins gets recycled, so long as it is clean and empty with no plastic bags. Per a recent waste study, of the 26,998 tons of recyclable material collected throughout Mercer County in 2022, 24,568 tons was in fact recycled into new raw materials.

The addition of #5 plastics will not only boost our community’s recycling gains, but also reduce the amount of garbage that goes into our trash bins and landfills, decreasing costs and increasing reuse all around. In a world where it’s not easy to avoid plastics, this is welcome news.

James Bash
Harrison Street

To the Editor:

The 2024 Year in Review [“Growing Town Balances Optimism, Concerns at 2024 Year End,” January 1, page 1] reminds us of what an exceptional place Princeton is to live in. We cannot let the moment pass without recognizing the outstanding year our performing arts organizations had as they brought national and world class talent to our area.

With a distinctive reputation for innovation and individuality, American Repertory Ballet (ARB) is recognized as one of the state’s premier performing arts organizations. Presenting classical repertory alongside new and existing contemporary work, ARB entertained the thousands who attended to start their holiday season with The Nutcracker, and pushed the boundaries with Artist in Residence Ethan Stiefel’s Princeton premiere of VARIANTS.  more

To the Editor:

Among our four families, we currently have nine kids (and one teacher!) in the first-rate Princeton public school system. Three of our children were lucky enough to be involved in the very first year of Community Park’s tremendous dual language program. We’ve got kids in the high school, the middle school, and the elementary school. Some of us grew up in this town and went to school here ourselves. We have all watched our children enter the Princeton school system during kindergarten and thrive in our schools in the many years since. We have seen the town change, the community change, and the schools change over the years. We are writing to ask for your support for the incredibly important upcoming school referendum.

At every point in our time as members of the Princeton community, we have seen significant pushback in any sizeable investment in our schools, even as we are all well-aware that a desirable school system draws professional families to the community and preserves our skyrocketing property values. We are nickel-and-diming our investment in our community’s children. Why? We are here for these schools — and the wonderful community that exists here. For those of us who don’t have children in the system, or whose children have aged out — this is still our community. These are our kids — yours, your neighbors’, your friends’, your family’s. We love this town— in no small part because we love our schools.  more

To the Editor:

Several days ago, a friend sent me an article from The Times of London in which the writer, John Darlington, bemoans the fact that we appear to be living in what he characterizes as the “Garb Age.” Instead of preserving the character of so many buildings that make towns and cities interesting and unique, we use the excuse that adaptively reusing them is too difficult and expensive.

Darlington cites the fact that the demolishing of old buildings in many cases throws away “an enormous amount of embedded carbon and spent energy,” only “to be replaced by a structure that requires still more.” In the U.K. “the building and construction sector is responsible for 40 to 50,000,000 tons of carbon emissions annually” — more than aviation and shipping combined. more

To the Editor:

As residents of Princeton since 1998, we feel very fortunate to live here. Our town’s many public and nonprofit institutions (library, pool, parks and playing fields, schools, universities, Arts Council, McCarter…) make Princeton uniquely vibrant, and enhance the quality of life for all. Directly and indirectly, we all benefit every day from the investments made in the past to build and maintain them.

For the life of our town, our public schools are the most essential of all these institutions. And what distinguishes Princeton Public Schools from similar districts — small class sizes; neighborhood elementary schools that foster strong bonds among families and children; excellent arts, music, STEM, language, and enrichment programs K-12 — can only occur in school buildings that have sufficient classroom capacity, space that is programmed for all of these curricular activities, and most importantly, up-to-date, efficient HVAC infrastructure necessary for safe, healthy learning environments.  more

To the Editor:

Like many of you, we moved to Princeton two decades ago in large part because of the community’s support of its public schools. Our daughter graduated from Princeton High School in 2020; we feel incredibly grateful that she has been privileged to receive an excellent education that helped her become a well-prepared, caring citizen with a strong support network among her classmates, teachers, and community.

We as a family see the January 28 School Referendum as an opportunity to express our gratitude to Princeton and to pay it forward by making sure that today’s and tomorrow’s young families have the same opportunities that our daughter has been given. more

January 1, 2025

To the Editor:

On January 28, Princeton residents will vote on a three-question referendum to enable the Princeton Public Schools to accommodate sharply rising enrollment. I’m writing to urge my fellow Princetonians to vote yes on all three questions. Over the past few months, I’ve paid close attention to the district’s referendum planning process, and I am deeply impressed by the care and wisdom with which the planners have worked to meet the district’s urgent needs while maximizing state aid and minimizing cost. 

The primary problem the referendum aims to solve is capacity: Princeton is growing, and the schools must keep up. Over the next five years, over a thousand new housing units will come online, and more are likely. This means that we’ll be welcoming hundreds more students into our schools, most of which are already at or over capacity. If we don’t expand our facilities, class size will go up, elementary school attendance zones will be redrawn (with attendant busing costs), and programming will suffer. Expensive stopgap measures like renting trailers to serve as makeshift classrooms will only go so far, likely making another referendum necessary in another few years.  more

To the Editor:

I write in support of the PPS Facilities Bond Referendum and to encourage Princeton voters to approve of the three Referendum questions on the ballot on January 28.

As a longtime resident of Princeton whose children thrived in our schools (grades K-12) quite a few years ago, I feel strongly that Princeton voters today should support the proposed building improvements outlined in the referendum so that the students of today and tomorrow will have the same opportunity to thrive in school as my own kids did.

The proposed improvements are necessary to avoid current and future overcrowding, maintain small class sizes, continue some very important services and programs, create space to serve students better, and allow more students to attend their neighborhood school. From the district’s website and other materials, it is plain to see that much thought and attention has been put into the three referendum questions that address the various needs facing our schools today. more

To the Editor:

Princeton needs more affordable housing, and I am proud to live in a community that has taken its obligations under the state Mount Laurel Doctrine seriously and encouraged the development of new housing, including much needed affordable units. But with Princeton growing, we need a corresponding expansion in the physical capacity of our schools to house the academic classrooms, music venues, social spaces, and athletic facilities that make our district such a great place to learn. 

Princeton residents know that making a house into a home requires upkeep and investment — that’s why there are so many contractor trucks around town renovating heating and cooling systems, adding additional rooms, and making much needed repairs to aging buildings. Most of these homeowners borrowed money to make these needed repairs, and many take advantage of government programs that defray the cost of renovations. That’s just what Princeton Public Schools is doing with its Facilities Bond Referendum, borrowing a reasonable amount of money that will be invested in the physical plant of our schools, and taking advantage of state funding allocated for this type of building program.

I am supporting the Facilities Bond Referendum so that future generations of students can take advantage of Princeton’s excellent academics and award-winning music programs, and so that more students can walk to neighborhood schools. I hope you will too.

Aaron Shkuda
Moore Street

To the Editor:

As a longtime Princeton resident, I am grateful that the public school system provided excellent education opportunities for our three children and continues to be forward thinking in meeting our students’ needs. The referendum presented to us carefully addresses physical plant, learning needs, and cost efficiency; I fully support passing the full measure.

While our children are now in their 30s, my husband and I feel strongly that all of us in our community have a responsibility to support our schools, just as those before us supported the last very successful building expansion and maintenance. We appreciate the approach to expand rather than build new, and to make use of state funds to reduce costs. But above all we support maintaining small class size and spaces comfortable for learning. more

December 25, 2024

To the Editor:

On behalf of the Sourland Conservancy’s staff, board, and members, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the residents, volunteers, businesses, and community partners who have dedicated their time and energy to restoring the Sourland forest. This week, we achieved an incredible milestone: planting 10,000 native trees and protecting them from deer browse this year alone. Together, we have planted over 50,000 trees and shrubs since 2020, a vital step toward healing our forest.

Our work couldn’t be more urgent. The New Jersey Forest Service estimates that our 90-square-mile region has lost more than one million trees in recent years to the emerald ash borer, an invasive insect. That’s nearly 20 percent of our forest devastated by a single threat. And the challenges don’t end there: overdevelopment, invasive plants, an overpopulation of white-tailed deer, and various pathogens all compound the damage. These threats impair the forest’s ability to filter our air and water, mitigate flooding, and provide food and shelter for wildlife — including the 57 threatened and endangered species that depend on the Sourlands for survival. more

To the Editor:

All anyone has to do is drive by historic Maybury Hill on Snowden Lane in Princeton to see the deer herd chomping away daily. They are now eating boxwood, azaleas, rose buds, acuba, and many other bushes and plants they supposedly hate. The organic sprays used to deter the growing deer population is essentially  pouring money into the ground.

Today we are spending more dollars on netting and a gardener to install. The dog barking and yelling at them is fruitless. Soon our lovely garden and grounds worked on for the last 25 years will be a desert. The deer live in the our woods and are now in the yard 2 pm.-7 a.m. They have learned that our three-acre property is most desirable since they can use the sidewalk to return home to the woods ( our property as well) and not cross in front of traffic.  more

To the Editor:

It is astonishing that taxpayers are being asked to support the shortfall (estimated at $48 million by the Princeton Coalition for Responsible Development) that will eventually result from the proposed tax break being granted to Herring Properties for a gift in lieu of taxes for the “development” of the plot that belonged to Princeton Theological Seminary. This seems egregious,  especially since we are also being asked to approve a $89.1 million bond referendum in January to help Princeton’s schools.  Furthermore, this comes at a time when another group of schoolchildren, perhaps as many as 100 or more (a conservative estimate of incoming children is 150) is arriving — whom we are in effect subventing.

The reasons given in support of offering this break do not carry weight, especially the claim that the gateway into town will be enhanced.  How does the placement of a large development near the entrance to the borough adjacent to historic buildings and a historic district represent enhancement? Or the massive increase in traffic that will result, especially when people go to work?  As it is I can hardly cross Mercer Street to walk my dog during rush hours. I question the assumption that people will walk rather than drive to get the necessary items that they need to live, when the nearest shopping center is over a mile away. more

To the Editor:

I attended the school district’s presentation on the PPS Facilities Bond Referendum on December 9 (recording available on the PPS website) and was very impressed with the thoughtfulness of the district plan. I am writing to urge Princeton voters to approve all three Referendum questions on January 28.

Princeton will be welcoming many new students in the next few years. There are over 1,000 units of housing in the pipeline, with more to come. Meanwhile some of our school buildings are already over-capacity and outdated in design. And certain critical infrastructure, such as the HVAC system at PHS, is overdue for replacement. more

To the Editor:

Regretfully I cannot support the upcoming PPS referendum. As a lifelong resident whose father and youngest son both graduated from PHS, I wish I could. As a past coach in district, local business person, and having served on a neighboring school board many years ago, I can’t for numerous reasons.

First and foremost, holding a special referendum costs the tax payers extra as opposed to holding when voters are already casting their votes in an election. The reasons for this seem obvious, either poor planning or hoping that there will be a low voter turnout where the PPS can promote and push enough to pass it. Wasting tax dollars should never be rewarded.  more

December 18, 2024

To the Editor:

We are strongly in favor of the three components of the schools referendum, which is up for a vote on January 28. As parents at Community Park (CP) for many years and now at Princeton Middle School (PMS), we have seen the best of Princeton education, and also the worst of PPS’ facilities challenges. CP is a phenomenal community where the innovative DLI program complements PPS’s strong pedagogy and student support programming. But it has been bursting at the seams for years, with some faculty/student meetings occurring in repurposed maintenance closets. With significant new housing development nearby, the time is right is to expand CP so that new kids can walk to their neighborhood school, fewer families in town will need to be redistricted, and the DLI program can remain for those who choose it. CP’s proximity to the municipal parking lot and a large playground also make it a good candidate for expansion, but the issues of traffic circulation, secure access to the school, and maximization of recreational facilities need to be carefully considered as part of the planning.

PMS is a special, nurturing environment where a fantastic mix of arts and enrichment opportunities build on the strong core educational foundation. There too though, facilities are a barrier — the schedule is super complicated to squeeze every inch out of the overtaxed building, which will be increasingly inadequate as the student body grows and technological change requires new teaching approaches. Our kids have been fortunate to benefit from HVAC upgrades at their schools that have brought better temperature control, air quality, and environmental sustainability. PHS, on the other hand, still has ancient boilers that are surviving on duct tape and a dream.  more

To the Editor:

I am writing in support of the upcoming Princeton Public Schools referendum (January 28, 2025) which will approve raising money to alleviate crowding in many of the schools and update the high school HVAC system, and to encourage Princetonians to vote “Yes” to all three questions.

As a supporter of both public education and more affordable housing, I view the referendum as a moral good for our community. Expanding Community Park, Littlebrook, and Princeton Middle School will accommodate the predicted growth in the number of students in the district as well as current overcrowding and will also prevent more redistricting. The new classrooms planned for Community Park will allow more students living in that neighborhood to walk to school instead of being bussed elsewhere. Expansion of Littlebrook, where my granddaughter is a third grader, would allow the restoration of rooms for the school’s music and language programs. Changes to Princeton Middle School with close to 800 students, with nearly 900 expected, will prevent existing crowded conditions from worsening. The high school’s HVAC system was old and poorly functioning when our youngest child graduated in 2010, and 15 years later it has not improved. more

To the Editor:

The Westminster Community Orchestra (WCO) would like to extend its thanks to the members of the Princeton community who attended our recent holiday concert and contributed to our annual collection for area service organizations. This year’s donations were divided between Mercer Street Friends, TASK, Arm In Arm, HomeFront, the Princeton Mobile Food Pantry, and the Rider University Food and Resource Pantry.

Over the past 12 years, the WCO has been able to donate thousands of dollars to worthy organizations, thanks to the generosity of our holiday concert audiences. We greatly appreciate the kindness and compassion of our concert attendees and hope to continue to support the important work being done in our community for our neighbors in need for years to come. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming concerts.

Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and musical New Year!

Dr. Ruth Ochs
Conductor, and the members of the Westminster Community Orchestra
Walnut Lane

To the Editor:

I write to you today in order to encourage my neighbors to support the January 28, 2025 Princeton Public Schools referendum.  Our town is growing quickly — well over 1,000 units will be added in the coming decade — and our schools must grow accordingly. The district has designed an efficient, strategic solution to handle growth while maintaining high quality.  The election allows voters to respond to three tiered questions (Question 1 must pass for Question 2 to pass, and both Question 1 and Question 2 need to pass in order for Question 3 to pass).

Question 1: Expands Community Park Elementary School and replaces Princeton High Schools’ end-of-life HVAC. Question 2:  Expands Princeton Middle School and strategic renovations at Princeton High School. Question 3: Expands Littlebrook Elementary School. more

To the Editor:

In 1837, Horace Mann laid out the definitions of public education in America:

  1. Public Education for All: Mann believed that ignorance and freedom cannot coexist, advocating for universal education funded and maintained by the public.
  2. Inclusivity: Education should be accessible to children of all social, ethnic, and religious backgrounds without discrimination.
  3. Nonsectarian Approach: Schools should be free from sectarian or partisan religious influence, focusing instead on universal moral principles.
  4. Democratic Ideals: Education should reflect the discipline and spirit of a free society, promoting democratic values.
  5. Professional Teachers: Emphasized the importance of well-trained, professional teachers to deliver quality education.
  6. Moral and Character Development: Schools should build character and values through structured regimens and discipline.

I write to encourage all of us to vote yes on January 28, 2025. As to No. 3, let us remember that the conversations between young Jemmy Madison and the Rev. John Witherspoon led to the Establishment Clause in our Bill of Rights. Our public schools are excellent and they matter!

Sheldon Sturges
Birdie Way

To the Editor:

Several of us retired librarians from the Princeton Public Library were happy to see your coverage of the current production of A Christmas Carol featuring Vivia Font [“Actor Appearing in A Christmas Carol Credits McCarter with Inspiring Her Career,” December 11, page 5].

She was sort of our institutional child as we worked side by side with her mom Elba Barzelato. We watched Vivia grow from preschool days through her graduate studies and many theatrical assignments to  become the  lovely professional actor she is. We are all the beneficiaries of her fine talent.

Mary Louise Hartman, MLS
James Court

December 11, 2024

To the Editor:

Friends of Princeton Open Space (FOPOS) thanks members of the community who came to the Mountain Lakes House last weekend to see and celebrate our photography exhibition, which featured selected photos from our ninth annual photography contest. The contest, entitled “Perspectives on Preservation,” encouraged people to explore the Greater Mountain Lakes Recreation Area more deeply, and to linger a bit longer within its over 400 acres of preserved public open space and farmland.

The exhibition is a sampling of what photographers found on their wanderings including wildlife, a broad community of plants, diverse landscapes, and vestiges of the ways this land has seen human occupation and use. The photos are an homage to a place — accessible by close to nine miles of trails — where the community can relax and recharge in nature, and where native wildlife and plants can flourish.

We are deeply grateful to REI Princeton for their continuous support of our photo contest, to the participating photographers, and to our judges, Jody Erdman, Tasha O’Neill, and Frank Sauer. Frank’s annual co-exhibition of photos from the Billy Johnson Mountain Lakes Nature Preserve and its surroundings is always a visual delight.

Our conversations with visitors to the show made clear that the Princeton community places great value on open space, and that the youth of our community are passionate about doing what they can to mitigate the impacts of climate change by helping to maintain and restore healthy preserved lands.

Fran Mcmanus
Jess Atkins
FOPOS Trustees

Jackie Halaw
FOPOS Program Coordinator
Mountain Avenue