September 14, 2022

To the Editor:

On behalf of the staff, board, and members of the Sourland Conservancy, I would like to sincerely thank the Sourland Spectacular cyclists, runners, hikers, volunteers, and businesses who helped make this year’s event a big success!

Participants in Saturday’s kick-off event enjoyed Bagel Barn bagels, Small World Coffee, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fruit, New World Pizza and hoagies, and bent spoon ice cream.

Proceeds from the event will support the Conservancy’s education, advocacy, and stewardship efforts. Last year, our staff and volunteers hosted several educational seminars and webinars, created educational videos and signage, and planted over 11,500 native trees in public parks and preserves in the region! more

To the Editor:

We are gradually settling in to Princeton, our new home of three weeks.

The house location we chose was deliberate to enable us to walk to town, campus, library, restaurants, and family on sidewalks. Walkability is a top priority for us.

So it’s ironic that where our street, Jefferson Road, intersects with Wiggins Street there is no marked pedestrian crossing.

Both Wiggins and Jefferson are busy streets for traffic and Jefferson for kids walking and biking back and forth to school.

To the right Madison has a marked crossing and to the left so does Moore. Jefferson in the middle does not.  more

September 7, 2022

To the Editor:

Why are our elected officials portraying the new AvalonBay project at Princeton Shopping Center as affordable housing? With a mere 40 affordable units and 160 units designed to generate income for the already-profitable AvalonBay business, it is not affordable housing. It is the action of a large corporation consuming space and resources to achieve its own financial goals. Elm Court, Harriet Bryan House, Princeton Community Village, and the affordable units at Griggs Farm are examples of affordable housing.

The contributions AvalonBay will make to upgrades of Grover Park and to the Municipal Sustainable Transportation Fund are a tiny (tax deductible) portion of the overall budget of the project; but the costs to our community in the form of increased expenditures for education, public safety, and social services will be a permanent burden.

AvalonBay is not affordable housing done right. It is affordable housing done very wrong — for the benefit of a large corporation not any members of our community. We all deserve better.

Maryann Witalec Keyes
Franklin Avenue

August 24, 2022

To the Editor:
Like so many social justice-centered organizations in the greater Mercer County area, the Princeton-Blairstown Center (PBC) was fortunate to benefit from the leadership, support, and advocacy of the Rev. David McAlpin, who passed away on August 5, 2022. We join the community in recognizing the tremendous impact he had on our community over the past seven decades.

As the associate pastor of Witherspoon Presbyterian Church, he became keenly aware of discriminatory housing practices affecting African Americans and he helped to establish two acclaimed integrated housing developments: Glen Acres and Maplecrest.

He and his family moved to Detroit in 1970 where he served as a pastor working on civil rights issues and establishing affordable housing organizations. When he returned to Princeton in the early 1980s, he helped found the Trenton chapter of Habitat for Humanity in 1986 and served as president of the board.

He also served as board chair of PBC as well as on the boards of the Princeton Area Community Foundation, The New Jersey Association on Correction, The Stony Brook Millstone Watershed Association, The Historical Society of Princeton, and Union Theological Seminary in New York City. He received numerous community awards including the 2017 Frank Broderick Award from PBC for his deep commitment to social justice, compassion, and selflessness.

The enormous impact of Rev. McAlpin’s leadership and support of social justice causes will be felt for many decades to come. The board, staff, and the young people of the Center are eternally grateful to this gentle servant leader and philanthropist. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

Pam Gregory
President and CEO
Princeton-Blairstown Center

To the Editor:

As a rising senior in high school, planning for my future and beginning to make my own choices, having the autonomy to decide what is the best path forward for myself is paramount. So to watch the end of protections for abortions, be it from the Supreme Court, or from numerous state legislatures in their efforts to ban and criminalize abortion (according to the Guttmacher Institute, nearly half the states could be in this boat), is frightening because it is the stripping away of the basic freedom to choose and have bodily autonomy, autonomy that is so critical to planning our futures.

Therefore I am immensely grateful to our state legislature for passing both A-3975/S-2633 and A-3974/S-2642, bills that protect a patient’s reproductive medical records from scrutiny, and that prevent the extradition of anyone who comes to New Jersey seeking an abortion. By taking this critical step, they have protected the crucial autonomy and freedom for so many people.

However, we can’t just stop in New Jersey, we must also look more broadly. Urge your lawmakers to pass laws that broaden access to reproductive health care services and that recodify Roe into our national existence. We may see this as not our problem, but until we secure the right of reproductive health care access and autonomy for everyone in this country, it is not safe.   

Thara Ellsworth
Glenview Drive

August 17, 2022

To the Editor:

Princeton Community Housing (PCH) honors the life of the Rev. David McAlpin, community leader, and housing and social justice advocate, who passed away on August 5, 2022.

After graduating from Union Seminary in 1953, Rev. McAlpin met with Benjamin Anderson, the minister of Witherspoon Presbyterian Church, who invited Rev. McAlpin to assist him. Rev. McAlpin later became the associate pastor. In this role, he became aware of discriminatory housing practices. Rev. McAlpin helped to establish two local integrated housing developments  — Maplecrest at Dempsey Avenue and Walnut Lane in Princeton and Glen Acres in West Windsor Township off Alexander Road.

In 1970, Rev. McAlpin moved to Detroit where he served as a pastor, advocated for civil rights, and established affordable housing organizations. He returned to Princeton in the 1980s and helped found the Trenton chapter of Habitat for Humanity.

Like so many of our neighbors, we are grateful for Rev. McAlpin’s leadership, passion, generosity, and advocacy. He will continue to inspire us to work for an inclusive community that is accessible to all.

Alice K. Small
President, DC Board President
Princeton Community Housing, on behalf of the Board of Trustees

August 10, 2022

To the Editor:

The power of words was much in evidence in the August 3 issue of Town Topics. Stuart Mitchner’s meditation on his lunch with Dawn Powell [“Dawn Powell’s New York — An Invitation to Lunch,” Book Review, page 12] was, I think, one of his most moving columns (and that’s saying a lot). How brilliant Stuart is at weaving together the strands of his own and Powell’s lives — the triumphs and disappointments — and how achingly familiar is his wistful wish to revise the past. I shared his anger at the short-sighted editor who would have cut a key passage from his first book, and was more appalled to learn of the editors who discouraged him from publishing his second.

The power of words was also in evidence in that issue’s Mailbox. Maryann Witalec Keyes’ and Lauren Bender’s letters describing the inadequacies of questionnaire (that will supposedly inform Princeton’s coming Master Plan) were thoughtful and fact-based. The short-sighted questionnaire and much of the rhetoric surrounding it are not. The “power of words” can be good and bad: there’s honesty, and there’s double-speak. Take your choice.

Ellen Gilbert
Stuart Road East

To the Editor:

I was dismayed to read about the Momo brothers’ plan to raze two historic buildings on Witherspoon Street and construct instead the modern building illustrated in Town Topics [July 27, page 1]. Although the present historic buildings may be beyond repair, do we really want to replace them with a vanilla-looking structure more in keeping with an urban setting?

What makes Princeton so delightful is its visual texture, walkable scale, and welcoming vibe. The Momos’ present restaurants have contributed to this look and feel by offering spaces that welcome and embrace. This seems their brand. Mediterra’s facade, for example, fits into our historic square yet has both a modern as well as earthy feel. Although also more than two stories, its mixed use design incorporates a mixture of materials, setbacks, awnings, balconies, and greenery that provide a human scale. more

To the Editor:

We write to thank everyone who has taken the time to respond to the Princeton Consumer Survey, the first of several opportunities for public participation in the Princeton Community Master Plan. With more than 3,500 responses, three-quarters of which have come from residents, participation has exceeded the expectations of our consultants and of the Master Planning Steering Committee, a volunteer group of Princeton residents, and the Master Plan Subcommittee of the Planning Board. The survey will be live through next week at

To be clear, this survey was designed to be consumer-focused and its results will inform a broader analysis about how residents, visitors, employees, students, and others spend in Princeton and how they would like to spend. As such, the survey does not touch on public fiscal policy matters, which are the purview of our elected officials, both municipal and schools. more

August 3, 2022

To the Editor:

In a desire to make my contribution to the community I have called home for 25 years, I completed the questionnaire at and concluded that the survey has no real value. My reasons are as follows:

First, there is no control over the number of times anyone can take the survey.  I was able to take the survey multiple times without leaving my home. One can imagine how easy it would be for an individual or group to use multiple responses to manipulate the survey in order to obtain a desired result.

Second, the majority of the questions are trivial, subjective, and vague. Does the future of Princeton really depend on the fact that I purchase my groceries at McCaffrey’s?

At best, the survey is a cheap “feel good” for anyone who takes the time to complete it. At worst, it provides a flow of unreliable numbers to be used and/or manipulated in planning Princeton’s future. Our community deserves better.

Maryann Witalec Keyes
Franklin Avenue

To the Editor:

Residents who use the D&R Canal State Park pathways along Lake Carnegie in Princeton should know that last week the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) issued an alert that a harmful algal bloom (HAB) that had been identified in the lake. The alert is at the “advisory” level which recommends that people and pets do not make direct contact with the water.

The alert was prompted by a local resident who contacted The Watershed Institute to report her concerns about the lake. We advised her to upload photographs of the water that she had taken to NJDEP’s online HAB reporting tool, which triggered testing of the lake and the subsequent issuance of an alert. Our StreamWatch volunteers also detected the presence of bacteria as part of the weekly sampling they do in waterways across our region.

HABs are commonly caused by phytoplankton known as cyanobacteria that use sunlight to create food. A combination of hot weather, nutrients from fertilizers, pet waste and other sources create conditions where cyanobacteria  grow too rapidly, producing toxins that are harmful to people and pets.

HABs could become a chronic problem without better controls on the use of lawn fertilizers, septic leaks, polluted stormwater runoff, and other contaminants flowing into the waterways. While we cannot immediately change the rising global temperatures that fuel the bloom growth, we can reduce the polluted stormwater runoff that carries bloom-inducing contaminants.  more

To the Editor:

On Thursday, July 21, Princeton Community Housing (PCH) was honored to host their virtual event, A Place to Call Home — an informational discussion on affordable housing.

Panelists at this event included President and CEO of the National Low Income Housing Coalition Diane Yentel, Director of Racial Justice Policy at Fair Share Housing Center James Williams, and Social Service Coordinator at Princeton Community Housing Jordan Goodwin. These experts spoke about the national and local landscape of affordable housing and how we can make progress in providing affordable, safe, and well-maintained homes.

“To afford a one-bedroom apartment making minimum wage in the state of New Jersey, you would have to work six full-time jobs,” stated Williams. In addition to speaking about the particularly high cost of housing in New Jersey, Williams reminded us of the additional economic inequalities had by those working multiple jobs and how these families were disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. more

To the Editor:

I had great hope that Princeton’s Master Plan would be created by Princetonians for Princetonians, taking our varied wants and needs into account to generate a master plan that works for everyone.

We are a diverse group that includes suburban residents, downtown residents, owners, renters, landlords (residential and commercial), merchants, non-retail businesses, parents, seniors, walkers, drivers, bikers, visitors, University students, employees, etc.

Though I know that committee members work hard and have good intentions, after seeing the first survey, I have strong concerns that their process won’t get us what we need.

The first survey’s questions are slanted towards visitors and merchants. While I welcome all visitors to Princeton and consider them important to our town, most visit sporadically, while Princetonians are here every day.  more

To the Editor:

We feel compelled to write in enthusiastic endorsement of last week’s letter in Town Topics: “Princeton Has Been Quieter with Gas Leaf Blower Ordinance in Place” [Mailbox, July 27] Our neighborhood has been noticeably quieter this summer thanks to the absence of gas leaf blowers. The difference is dramatic and welcome. We are also writing to thank the letter writer and her husband, Phyllis Teitelbaum and Tony Lunn, for initiating the campaign to restrict gas leaf blowers many years ago and their tireless advocacy for all these years.

Even a proposal as simple as addressing the universal complaint of noise- and air-polluting gas leaf blowers at the community level is instructive in how “it takes a village.” Phyllis and Tony’s cause was taken up by many. Most importantly, the community’s call for change was acted upon by our elected officials, with the expert guidance of the Princeton Environmental Commission, Sustainable Princeton, the municipal staff, and many others. Compliance has been improving thanks to the municipality’s follow-through and the proactive outreach to the professional landscaping community by Sustainable Princeton.

This is an improvement in our town that we can all appreciate and be thankful for.

Scott Sillars
Margaret Griffin
Patton Avenue

July 27, 2022

To the Editor:

You may have noticed that, since mid-May, Princeton has been a lot quieter than usual. Because of a new Princeton ordinance, the extremely noisy and very polluting gas-powered leaf blowers are not allowed during the summer, from May 16 through September 30, or during the winter, from December 16 through March 14. (They are still allowed in the fall, from October 1 through December 15, and in the spring, from March 15 to May 15.) 

The new ordinance also restricts the days and hours when gas leaf blowers can be used: not at all on Sundays or on Thanksgiving Day; not before 8 a.m. or after 8 p.m. Mondays through Fridays; and not before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m. on Saturdays.

Similarly, the ordinance restricts the days and hours when gas-powered snow blowers, portable generators, chain saws, hedge trimmers, string trimmers, and pole trimmers can be used: not at all on Sundays, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas; not before 8 a.m. or after 8 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, and not before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m. on Saturdays.

Note that gas lawnmowers are not subject to the summer and winter bans on gas leaf blowers. more

To the Editor: 

Last week, a letter to the Town Topics addressed a survey that has been distributed recently by the Princeton Coalition for Responsible Development (PCRD), and the way that it has been received in parts of the community [“PCRD Launches Princeton-Wide Survey Regarding Redevelopment Projects in Town,” Mailbox, July 20]. 

The survey’s goal, according to the letter, is to “provide robust objective data,” on proposed development projects and the way that decisions are being made on behalf of Princeton. 

I received the survey from a friend who forwarded it, with its introductory email, because she thought I would be interested in the methodology used. My business relies heavily on survey data, so it is a realm that I’m familiar with. 

Two things stood out immediately as problematic: First, the survey was described as hosted by “SurveyMonkey, one of the largest market research firms in the US.” While SurveyMonkey does, on occasion conduct and analyze its own surveys, it is almost always used as a survey tool, as in this case, where the survey was designed and will be interpreted by PCRD, with no research or analysis from the company.  more

To the Editor:

After the tragic mass killing at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, the nation’s eyes are upon the egregious dereliction of police responsibility there. The newly released Texas Legislature report reveals an unconscionable police inaction has rattled citizen confidence everywhere.

It would be good for our local leaders to reconfirm the Princeton community’s trust in the preparedness of our excellent police force for any such mass shooting possibility. To this end, I call on our police commissioner, Councilwoman Leticia Fraga, and Princeton Police Chief Christopher Morgan to schedule a public hearing here for this issue. They should report their interpretation of the Uvalde report’s facts, describe the lessons they intend to apply to assure our preparedness locally for such a potential event, and digest citizen impressions and concerns. (The challenge in this idea would be keeping the session’s focus strictly on our police response preparedness and not on gun control, a legitimate but separate issue.)

Tom Pyle
Balsam Lane

July 20, 2022

To the Editor:

Last week the Princeton Coalition for Responsible Development (PCRD) launched a Princeton-wide survey about redevelopment “to understand views on not only the projects being proposed but also how decisions are being taken on behalf of Princeton.” The goal was to provide robust objective data where there is presently none and to help inform the debate around a number of the development projects in town.

It is part of our contribution to what should be collaborative development initiatives as mandated by Princeton Council including PCRD as part of the process and provides a quantitative comparison to the invitation-only anonymous focus groups currently being conducted by a developer’s PR company with respect to one Princeton property currently slated for development.

To our surprise and disappointment, the mere existence of the survey appeared to generate an unexpected negative reaction from certain members of the pro-developer Princeton community.  more

July 13, 2022

To the Editor:

This is directed to elected and other officials, in reaction to the article on page 1 in Town Topics, July 6, 2022, regarding West Windsor’s (WW) plans for a huge (ultimately 5.5 million square feet) warehouse development on Route 1 at Clarksville Road. This includes the WW Planning Board’s approval of 3 million square feet for three warehouses encompassing 461 loading docks and 507 trailer parking spaces. This is only the first phase of the warehouse development. The second phase proposes another four warehouses, not yet approved by the WW Planning Board.

There have been several areas of concern raised, including by two dissenting members of the WW Planning Board and WW residents. However, there has not been as much attention as necessary to air quality degradation from diesel fumes of the expected number of trucks. Air pollution (as well as increased stormwater) does not respect municipal boundaries.  more

To the Editor:

Princeton Council’s unanimous vote on Monday evening to adopt the ordinance establishing the Prospect Avenue Historic District is a notable community accomplishment. One year ago, a small portion of the University’s ES-SEAS development plan imperiled the unique architectural and cultural heritage of Prospect Avenue. Concerned residents and alumni formed the Save Prospect Coalition, one member started a petition eventually signed by over 1,700 people, and others proposed alternative plans to the University. Multiple people wrote letters of support and testified at Historic Preservation Commission and Planning Board hearings, where the members and staff provided everyone ample opportunity and time to express their concerns. Of particular note, HPC and PB members and Witherspoon-Jackson residents expressed the strong connections between Princeton’s historic African American neighborhood to Prospect Avenue, where many African Americans were the backbone of the eating club operations over many decades.

With encouragement from Council, University officials ultimately listened to the community and comments from the Historic Preservation Commission, and agreed to a significant compromise: to preserve the three historic houses on the north side of Prospect and restore their exteriors following National Park Service Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic Properties; to adjust the landscaping plan in front of the proposed Theorist Pavilion to be compatible with the historic streetscape; to support the designation of the Prospect Avenue Historic District; and to submit an application to the N.J. State Historic Preservation Office to expand the National Register Princeton Historic District to the north side of Prospect Avenue to include the relocated Court Clubhouse, the three houses, and the Ferris Thompson Wall and Gate designed by McKim, Mead and White. All the many people that contributed to this positive outcome are too numerous to mention here, but sincerely deserve our collective gratitude.    more

July 6, 2022

To the Editor:

What fabulous performances we had in the two-and-a-half weeks of this year’s very special Princeton Festival! Many thanks to all who supported our vision for a centralized, outdoor Festival and to the thousands who turned out to celebrate the live performing arts with us, making the all-new Princeton Festival an unparalleled success.

It takes the cooperation of multiple organizations and administrators to make an endeavor on the scale of the Princeton Festival possible. We are incredibly thankful to the following organizations and their dedicated staff members for their help in making this season’s Festival possible: Morven Museum & Garden, Trinity Church, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton Mayor Mark Freda, and The Princeton Festival Guild.

We’d also like to express our appreciation for the following businesses and groups for their assistance in creating a buzz surrounding the Princeton Festival: The Peacock Inn, Kristine’s, Witherspoon Grill, The Nassau Club, Olive’s, Lucy’s Kitchen, Proof, The Princeton Day Club, and the Princeton Public Library.

Above all, we’re thankful to be holding our annual performing arts Festival at beautiful Morven Museum & Garden, in the arts-loving town of Princeton!

Marc Uys
Executive Director,
Princeton Symphony Orchestra
Ewing Street

June 29, 2022

To the Editor:

After reading your lead story on the 5.5 million-square-foot warehouse project proposed for U. S. Route 1 [“Opposition Grows to Route 1 Warehouse Project,” June 22, page 1], I immediately wrote and sent the following letter to Hemant Marathe, the mayor of West Windsor Township.

Dear Mr. Mayor:

The lead article on the front page of Town Topics reports that the members of the West Windsor Township Planning Board are scheduled to vote on the 5.5 million-square-foot warehouse project proposed for the former American Cyanamid property on U. S. Route 1. Before you make this very major decision, I urge you and your colleagues to embrace candor and caution.

Specifically, please do more research and have additional open dialogue with all the actual constituencies: with West Windsor’s neighboring municipalities, the county, the state, with environmental experts, and, indeed, with the people of central New Jersey.

Your decision will impact the quality of life for everyone in our region for many years. Moreover, the environmental costs of allowing this gigantic project to be built will, I think, far exceed any economic benefits.

Here is one type of serious potential impact from building 5.5 million-square-feet spread across nine warehouses: diesel pollution. Diesel-powered trucks will have to move the vast amounts of “stuff” that will be put into and taken out of the warehouses.

Please read this article I wrote for The New York Times on diesel pollution in New Jersey ( Although The Times published it years ago, I believe that the scientific/medical concerns and conclusions it presents are still largely relevant. The bottom line is that diesel exhaust can and does seriously harm creatures that breathe.

First, do no harm.

Richard Trenner
Province Line Road

Note: Marathe has pointed out to Town Topics that there are seven warehouses in the project, not nine, and the pending application in front of the West Windsor Township Planning Board is only for the first three.

June 22, 2022

To the Editor:

Princeton’s second Pride Parade and Afterparty was everything our community needed and deserved it to be, as meaningful as it was fabulous and as inspirational as it was exponential! Thousands of us marched, sashayed, and rolled up the beautiful Witherspoon-Jackson neighborhood and then were all at once empowered and entertained at the wonderful Afterparty at the Y. Thank you to Lt. Ben Gering and the Princeton Police for your support keeping us safe and to Paul Zeger and the YMCA for welcoming us to your gorgeous green space.

Much love and respect to our Grand Marshal Alan Muraoka (bringin’ a sunny day all the way from Sesame Street!), Senators Andrew Zwicker and Linda Greenstein, Mayors Mark Freda (Princeton) and Dean Dafis (Maplewood), poet Michelle Elizabeth Brown (Detroit), and trans activist (and BRCSJ board president) Erin Worrell (Philadelphia) for putting boots on the ground at the parade and sharing inspirational remarks at the Afterparty.

Further kudos to our community members who shared the stage — our BRCSJ flagbearer Rose, who brought us all to tears at her first Pride; queer icons Chet and Frank, who dropped some important local history as they shared their personal journey and how Frank co-founded Princeton’s first gay rights organization, Gay People Princeton; and BRCSJ intern and Princeton Theological Seminary student Wesley Rowell,  who led us in convocation and opened us up to the beautiful sentiments that were to follow. We bowed (and bounced!) to our Queen Miss Stonewall Inn Cissy Walken who represented in fabulous fashion, were uplifted by the Pride Puppets, and we couldn’t have asked for better syncopation for our mobilization than the delightful Philadelphia Freedom Band. more

To the Editor:

I am writing to encourage Princeton area residents to visit the Princeton Farmers Market, now relocated to the Dinky Train Station lot. Market hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., every Thursday until Thanksgiving, rain or shine. As always, the market offers an incredible array of fruits, vegetables, meats, prepared foods, flowers, and other essentials.

If the time and/or location do not suit your schedule, please consider visiting the West Windsor Farmers Market, which is held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the lower Vaughn lot at the Princeton Junction Train Station. 

Although many of us have now returned to regular supermarket shopping, we should not forget that local farmers played a key role in sustaining our community during the pandemic. They did so not only by selling fresh food outside — even during winter — but by adopting new online purchasing systems and delivery services to meet customers’ needs.

So let’s return the favor and support New Jersey’s farmers, who work hard every day to keep some “garden” in the Garden State!

Jennifer Jang
Russell Road

To the Editor: 

Hundreds and hundreds of neighbors lined up outside Taim for its opening at Princeton Shopping Center last Tuesday, where they offered $5 bowls to be matched for Neighbors’ Kindness Project. I’d like to share a story about one of those neighbors. 

Due to an overwhelming turnout, Taim’s team had to cut the line prior to close. While this didn’t please many of you, understandably so, one neighbor was quite perturbed. She plopped down her free cup of iced tea and said, “I didn’t even get a sip of this before they rudely cut the line!” As I wiped up a splash she spilled, I replied, “Look, I feel your passion for wanting to support Taim and our neighbors, so I’ll take your order and deliver it on my route tomorrow. But, it’ll have to be lunch.” I handed her back the tea she had refused. She seemed to cool down a bit as soon as the icy glass met her palm. The next day, I followed her directions to her porch, looking for the bin as the landmark. This is where I left her food, and it’s there I found a white envelope that read: “To Blair, for the neighbors,” with a $20 bill folded up inside. So, I went back to Taim — to wait in line for a second time — and used those 20 dollars to buy meals for our neighbors in need. more