To the Editor:
I’ve followed with interest some of the meetings of the Cannabis Task Force and some of the letters to the editor in Town Topics about bringing cannabis dispensaries to town. I’ve heard and seen a lot of arguments promoting, if not celebrating, this while downplaying the negative impact of recreational cannabis on young people and the community. Although I disagree with those promoting this overall perspective, I do believe they are sincere in their intentions, as am I. In today’s hyper-partisan environment, too often we impugn the motives of those who disagree with us.
That being said, I think these overly sanguine perspectives often gloss over the main issue going forward which is that with greater availability will come significant costs and, most especially, unintended consequences. Let’s not delude ourselves. With greater acceptance and widespread distribution over time, there will be more and more underage consumption (and habitual use) in the same way that underage drinking is so high, despite the enacted laws and our best-intentioned educational efforts over the years (I wouldn’t be surprised if official survey data underreports these levels of usage amongst teens with both cannabis and alcohol). more