October 20, 2021

To the Editor:

I’ve followed with interest some of the meetings of the Cannabis Task Force and some of the letters to the editor in Town Topics about bringing cannabis dispensaries to town. I’ve heard and seen a lot of arguments promoting, if not celebrating, this while downplaying the negative impact of recreational cannabis on young people and the community. Although I disagree with those promoting this overall perspective, I do believe they are sincere in their intentions, as am I. In today’s hyper-partisan environment, too often we impugn the motives of those who disagree with us.

That being said, I think these overly sanguine perspectives often gloss over the main issue going forward which is that with greater availability will come significant costs and, most especially, unintended consequences. Let’s not delude ourselves. With greater acceptance and widespread distribution over time, there will be more and more underage consumption (and habitual use) in the same way that underage drinking is so high, despite the enacted laws and our best-intentioned educational efforts over the years (I wouldn’t be surprised if official survey data underreports these levels of usage amongst teens with both cannabis and alcohol). more

To the Editor:

While I applaud efforts to get more Americans involved in our electoral process, I was disappointed with the letter in your October 6 edition (“Urging Princetonians to Vote in Upcoming General Election”). The letter was essentially an appeal for local voters to vote the straight Democratic ticket without any reasons given why voters should do so other than it was “crucially important” for New Jersey.

My takeaway of the urgency the letter seems to call for is because Republicans want to deny American citizens their lawful right to vote. I am unaware of any Republican candidate on our local ballot who advocates such an opinion. I encourage voters to examine what the Republican ticket from top to bottom has dedicated itself to confronting and turning around: 1) Ever higher property taxes leading to lack of affordability; 2) A sputtering economy; 3) Unresponsive state bureaucracies such as the DMV; 4) Intrusive government regulation; and 5) An unemployment rate 35 percent higher than the national average.

The letter invokes Thomas Jefferson as having warned Americans that “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” It was not that eminent slaveholder who is the source for the statement, but the prominent Civil War abolitionist Wendell Phillips who was a leading advocate for equal rights for all Americans, including women, Blacks, and indigenous Americans. That’s a position that I and the Republicans I know believe in.

Bottom line: It’s time for a change. As governor, Jack Ciattarelli and his team will get New Jersey turned around and back on the path of prosperity for all.

Dudley Sipprelle
Chairman, Princeton Republican Committee
Victoria Mews

To the Editor:

I write to express my enthusiastic support for Betsy Baglio’s candidacy for re-election to the Princeton Board of Education. I’ve known Betsy for years, ever since our kids started playing baseball and doing musical theater together at Princeton Middle School.

When we evaluate Board candidates, we usually focus on their experience, their education, their values, and their moral commitments. All of this matters enormously, and in all of these categories, Betsy’s qualifications speak for themselves. Betsy is a Princeton graduate, an experienced teacher with a master’s in education, and the parent of two PPS children. She has dedicated her professional career and six years on the Board to enhancing equity and educational outcomes for all children. It’s hard to imagine a better resumé.

But I want to focus here on the harder-to-measure qualities that aren’t evident from Betsy’s sterling record: Betsy’s unparalleled ability to listen, to facilitate discussion and consensus across areas of broad disagreement, and to inspire people to work together to get things done. Multi-member decision-making bodies like our BOE are premised on the idea that a group of elected representatives is better equipped than a single individual to recognize, understand, and meet the needs and interests of its community. Deliberation is key to boards’ effectiveness: through discussion and the weighing of ideas, these groups screen out bad proposals and sharpen good ones. Not surprisingly, for such deliberation to be effective, communication and openness are key.  more

To the Editor:

We write to wholeheartedly endorse Brian McDonald for re-election to Princeton’s Board of Education.

We have worked with Brian as nonprofit board members and share his commitment to the Princeton community, sustainability, and the environment. Brian’s service to local nonprofits, particularly McCarter Theatre, Sustainable Princeton, and The Watershed Institute, has been exemplary.

From his collaborative nature, to his ability to listen and analyze, to his deep knowledge on matters of governance, finance, and planning, Brian builds consensus and leads by example. He is also a hard worker and fulfilled his 2020 Earth Day Pledge to collect and dispose of at least 1,000 pounds of trash from Princeton’s streets, sidewalks, and wooded areas. As a member of the School Board, Brian’s advocacy for sustainability has been instrumental in moving the district towards sustainable and cost-saving solutions for facilities.

We believe Brian’s 26 years of service to our town, our fellow residents, and the town’s children has been outstanding, and we hope you will join us in voting to elect him to a second term on the Board of Education.

Whether you vote by mail, early, or on November 2, please vote for Brian McDonald in Column H.

Yamile Slebi
Battle Road

Fran Price
Birch Avenue

David R. Hill
Newlin Road

To the Editor:

For 35 years I’ve had the pleasure of watching Leighton Newlin grow from a small business entrepreneur into a community activist, and now with great hope a candidate for Princeton Council. As his nephew I’ve been able to experience his wisdom and compassion, for the betterment of all, firsthand and have been able to absorb the knowledge he has bestowed upon me. There is no better person for a seat on Council, as he will work tirelessly for the people of Princeton to make sure that the needs and best interests of its people will be the main priority of the town Council.

My uncle knows the importance of seeing the good in people and being able to listen to them, and more importantly fighting to represent them when needed. That was why he was able to be a beacon of hope as he helped those that he worked with reacclimate to society in transitioning back to society. It’s with that same determination and understanding that will help guide him on Council as he works to do what’s best for the town.

My uncle was one of eight residents who met weekly to help advise Council on why the Witherspoon-Jackson neighborhood deserved to be Princeton’s 20th historic district.  He brought to fruition the first ever Witherspoon-Jackson Welcome Weekend, where the members of the community came together to beautify their properties and the neighborhood while also introducing and reintroducing neighbors to each other. more

To the Editor:

As private citizens, we are writing to support Mara Franceschi for the Board of Education.

We were fortunate to have worked closely with Mara on the PTO Executive Board at Johnson Park (JP), where she served as the treasurer for four years and co-president for three years. As treasurer, we witnessed Mara work tirelessly to ensure that the PTO budgets were judiciously set and executed. She questioned expenses, collaborated to find cost-saving measures, and established tight controls. Mara also worked hard to ensure that all children benefited equally from the fundraising efforts of the JP PTO. Mara’s dedication and passion for the children, the teachers, the families, and the community led her to the elected role of co-president of JP, where she continued for three years. As co-president, Mara governed in an ethical and transparent way, drawing on the talents of the JP community and bringing everyone together to help enhance the experience of all children at JP.

We personally know that Mara’s financial acumen and governance expertise are deep and impressive. She is highly competent and will work hard to tackle the budget and facilities needs issues. Mara doesn’t take things for granted — she questions policies and procedures and will ensure that before important decisions are made the community is involved and all voices are heard. We believe Mara has excellent integrity, understands her fiduciary responsibilities, is transparent, and will work to make all our children’s educational experiences better.

The School Board must be objective, understand financial implications, and work to achieve reasonable goals. In a time when the district is tackling long-term growth initiatives and addressing strategic issues such as equity, wellness and health, and innovative improvements, we believe that it is of paramount importance to have someone with Mara’s strengths, talents, and tenacity on the Board. 

Please join us in voting for “F” for Franceschi for the Board of Education on November 2.

Sue Bowen
Stone Cliff Road

Milena Deluca
Hunt Drive

To the Editor:

While the so-called historical preservationists were wringing their hands about three old useless buildings on Prospect Avenue, they totally ignored the teardown last week of a beautiful iconic brick cottage two blocks down the street on Prospect. Not one word of protest from these people, proving that the protests are not about historical preservation, but rather just one more self-absorbed attempt to block the University.

This protest is just like the ill-founded attempt to delay the move of the Dinky Station several years ago, which based on hysteria, was also merely an attempt to impede.

The three old derelict buildings in question proved for many reasons to be unsuitable as family homes and were turned into equally unsuitable offices. Owned by the University, on University land, the University has every right to do what they want to without negotiating with people who have no legal right or standing. The University has the same rights as the owner of the iconic brick cottage two blocks away. A beautiful home that received no attention from the historical preservationists.

This is a cause du jour, nothing more.

Jill D. Schreiber
Prospect Avenue

October 13, 2021

HOME SWEET HOME: “The real estate agent guides you through the process. We are the experts in the field. A good real estate agent can add more money for the seller, and also assist the buyer in spending less. This is my career, and I take it very seriously. And seeing the uniqueness of so many of the homes, even after all these years, is what makes it so much fun.” Donna M. Murray, founding agent with Compass Princeton RE, the independent real estate company recently opened in Princeton at 47 Hulfish Street, is enthusiastic about her chosen field.

By Jean Stratton

Donna M. Murray knew right from the start that a future in real estate was in store for her.

After an early career as a flight attendant with American Airlines, she followed the advice of a friend in the real estate business, and approached one of the area companies. She was immediately accepted for training, which involved absorbing a lot of challenging new information, ranging from legalities and mortgages to wetlands and flood insurance, and more. After passing the exam, she was then told to go forth and sell houses.

“After the training period and the exam, they said, ‘Now go out, call friends and family to see if anyone wants to buy or sell a house.’

“So I called a friend who I thought might be interested in moving, and I asked her. She said yes, and I listed her property, which sold, and then I was also able to help her buy a new house.”

Murray was on her way! more

To the Editor:

The Princeton Planning Board is close to approving a four-story, 200-unit housing development at the Walgreen’s end of the Princeton Shopping Center. The current Walgreen’s will be torn down and rise again in a new location with a drive-through pick up and an exit onto North Harrison.

We will soon be living with this 200-unit housing development. Are there any problems with it?

Hazards for children: The proposed path from Grover Park baseball fields to the apartments and shopping center stores begins at the only vehicular access to the fields for dropping equipment and supplies off from cars and for maintenance.

Amenity: Elimination of the covered walkway at what is now the Walgreen’s end of the shopping center. (Bad weather exercisers and dog walkers take notice!)

Fire hazard: Will fire trucks have difficulty reaching the new building from the courtyard side given the narrow road access from the south? more

To the Editor:

Mara Franceschi is running for School Board and I, as an educator for over 20 years, believe we are indeed fortunate to have her as a candidate. This woman is full of energy, enthusiasm, and is keenly interested in lending her considerable talents to help improve our Princeton schools. With the changes in the school administration, I believe now is an important time to add some fresh eyes to the School Board team. Mara is actively involved with all levels of the Princeton schools through her three children. She combines the experience of an involved parent with her professional background in finance, a worthy combination of abilities to have on our Board.

Mara listens. She is a worker, an organizer, and gets things done. She has my vote and hopefully yours too.

Pam Wetherill
Governors Lane

To the Editor:

On October 9, Conductor, Music Director, and Program in Music Performance Professor Michael Pratt and the Princeton University Orchestra brought me, a local resident, much joy, as did the live program on the Princeton University campus.

As the guest conductor, Mexican born Marianna Corichi Gomez’s skill in communicating the nuances of Aaron Copland’s Appalachian Spring was strong as well as sensitive. Violinist Hanna Mundiya highlighted her technical skill in W.A. Mozart’s Violin Concerto No 3 in G Major, K.216. Bryant So, as first violinist in Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade, Op 35, brought the full house to their feet!

My sincere thanks to Professor Pratt and the orchestra for a most memorable event!

Linda Sipprelle
Victoria Mews

To the Editor:

I am always glad to see the latest issue of Princeton University’s Community Connections newsletter in our mailbox. The offerings and updates there remind me that Princeton University was an added advantage when a career relocation brought our family to this town in 2003. The University’s beautiful setting and generous offerings to “townies” like ourselves were also one of the reasons why we decided to downsize but stay here after I retired from ETS in 2020. There is a sense in which the community encompasses the University and the University enriches the community.

Therefore, I continue to struggle to understand the move by the University to demolish houses on Prospect Avenue. There was no article on that in the latest issue of Community Connections; perhaps because this move discomfits many residents and seems to violate that spirit of community. In a community, if you are taking an action that would affect your neighbors you go over and have a talk with them to let them know that a tree might be coming down or construction might be occurring. In this case, Princeton University seems not to have attempted that kind of consultation and, from the statements of its officials, appears to believe that such consultation is unnecessary. Such a stance is a mistake in the community, but at this stage it is not irreparable. more

To the Editor:

The Friends of the Princeton Public Library would like to thank everyone who joined us on October 9 for the kickoff event for Beyond Words 2021. It was a gift to be able to gather in person on Hinds Plaza in celebration of the hard work and dedication of our library staff in keeping our Princeton community connected, informed, and entertained. The conversation with Professor David Bellos, internationally acclaimed translator and biographer, was engaging and educational for all. We are grateful to our lead sponsor, The Gould Group of Wells Fargo Advisors, and to all our individual donors and corporate sponsors for making Beyond Words 2021 a success.

Beyond Words 2021 will continue with two virtual events this fall. Separate tickets for each of these virtual events are now available on the Library’s website (princetonlibrary.org) for $60 each.

On November 12, we will host a virtual conversation with journalist and novelist Omar El Akkad, whose debut novel, American War, was an international best-seller. His recently released novel, What Strange Paradise, has been short-listed for the Scotiabank Giller Prize which recognizes excellence in Canadian fiction. Mr. El Akkad will be in conversation with Deborah Amos, the Ferris Professor of Journalism at Princeton University and an NPR international correspondent.  more

To the Editor,

We write in support of Brian McDonald’s re-election to the Princeton Public Schools Board of Education. We have known Brian for many years and appreciate his service on the Board, as he has proven to be a patient, effective consensus builder and a champion of equity, the arts, and athletics. Moreover, Brian brings to bear not only intelligence and insightfulness on complex issues, but also the right disposition to work well under pressure.

Brian McDonald cares deeply about the kids in this town and puts in the hours to back up his commitment. His distinguished service has also been invaluable in terms of establishing better budgeting practices to put the district on a stronger financial path to the future.

We are all grateful for his care for the well-being of our children and stewardship of our schools, and we hope you will join us in voting for Brian on November 2, column H.

Lori Weir
Stuart Road East

Carter Serxner
Lovers Lane

Suki and Matt Wasserman
Meadowbrook Drive

We, the Executive Board of Princeton Parents for Black Children (PPBC), declare our full support for Riverside Elementary School’s new Principal Ebony Lattimer and express our concern and dismay regarding the efforts of a small group of parents, some anonymously, lobbying for her resignation. 

PPBC is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to advocate for equity and to support all Black children in the Princeton Public School District. Although our focus is ensuring that Black children in this district can enjoy the full benefits of this education system despite the persistence of systemic and institutional racism, we are keenly aware that our work ultimately benefits all the children in this district. 

Less than two months into her tenure, Principal Lattimer has demonstrated her willingness to make difficult decisions to improve the educational environment for all children at Riverside. Her decision to transform traditional celebrations, such as Halloween and Valentine’s Day, into more inclusive, less emotionally disruptive and more educationally appropriate events for all students was long overdue. Unfortunately, modifying tradition in Princeton is difficult, especially in this instance where the tradition that is truly threatened by an independent principal is that of privileged parents who insist on an outsized role in school management and operations. 

Principal Lattimer, who was selected to steward Riverside by a diverse committee of stakeholders and hired by Superintendent Dr. Carol Kelley, arrived in the district at the end of August. Undoubtedly, such a late start presented mutual communication challenges for the new principal and some Riverside parents.  more

October 6, 2021

CONVERSATION AND COMMUNICATION: “Every painting I do, I set a challenge for myself, something I hope to learn and solve. It’s all part of my life and the viewer’s. I try to give my viewers something to think about. It’s a conversation — purposeful communication.” Painter Robert Beck is shown in his Solebury, Pa., studio. (Photo by Bob Krist).

By Jean Stratton

Beauty, it is said, is in the eye of the beholder. So it is, also, that the meaning of a piece of art is unique to each beholder. It may stimulate one’s imagination, evoke a special memory, or introduce a new way of looking at something that appears familiar.

The work of painter Robert Beck does all of this. With their immediacy and compelling communication, his paintings engage the viewer’s attention and mindfulness, and indeed, recognition.

Currently, his work is the focus of two exhibitions: “It’s Personal: The Art of Robert Beck” at the James A. Michener Art Museum in Doylestown, Pa., and “Robert Beck: Recent Works” at Morpeth Contemporary, the gallery in Hopewell.

Having taken up painting professionally at the age of 40, he has been remarkably successful. The recipient of many awards and honors, Beck has exhibited his work in numerous museums, galleries, and other locations. His paintings are sought by art lovers, both knowledgeable collectors and individuals new to the world of art. He has something to say to everyone. more

To the Editor:

I support the efforts of the Cannabis Task Force (CTF) to propose whether Princeton should allow any one of the six possible cannabis licenses in our town. While I believe the market will decide that Princeton is not well suited for licensed activities like cultivation and manufacturing (which require scale to be financially viable), I see no valid argument against allowing retail sales or delivery services.

The cannabis debate is filled with misinformation, hearsay, and hysteria on the supposed evils of this product. Some of the comments I’ve read could have come from the script of the infamous propaganda film of the late 1930s, Reefer Madness. Medicinal use of cannabis has been legal in New Jersey and elsewhere for several years and I have seen no reports of impacts on children, and have heard of no deteriorating neighborhoods in those towns hosting dispensaries. Yet opponents of retail sales in Princeton cite these and other negative factors as reasons for forbidding such activities in our town.

Let’s be realistic, Princeton does not have the infrastructure (parking, traffic flow, large un(der) developed parcels of land) to support large retail cannabis operations. Let those outfits operate in other towns along Route 1 like the newly opened Zen Leaf in Lawrence, currently medicinal only, but planning for adult use as well. Instead, we should facilitate access to the market by small, local operators with a residency requirement for the owners. Such boutiques could be located within any of the zones the CTF is considering but might be especially useful if accessible by foot traffic. In fact, a small shop or shops somewhere in the business districts (central, Jugtown, Witherspoon) could discourage out of town consumers while providing access to local residents who choose to use these products. more

To the Editor:

It is very disappointing that Princeton Council has declared war on the deer population, who every year have less and less habitat to live in due to out-of-control development. Not surprisingly, this leads to increased contact with humans, often to the detriment of both.

Approving culling, and especially the cruel practice of bow-hunting, shows once again that officials see killing as the only solution, a narrow-minded approach that has not changed in decades. What about White Buffalo’s immuno-contraception program of 20 years ago? When was the last survey done to assess the number of deer per square mile? Have any non-lethal methods of deer population control even been considered?

Princeton can and must do better.

Bill Laznovsky
Mandon Court, Kingston

The writer grew up in Princeton.

To the Editor:

We write in enthusiastic support of Brian McDonald as he seeks re-election to the Board of Education. 

As former members of the Princeton Council, we saw firsthand Brian’s deep commitment to our community. For seven years, he served on the Citizens Finance Advisory Committee, or CFAC, working to ensure responsible oversight of taxpayer dollars, efficient spending, and flat or low increases in taxes for many years. 

For the last three years, Brian has been a valued member of the Princeton Public Schools Board of Education. He has brought his skills in finance, facilities, and planning to a number of successful Board initiatives. For example, he helped to hire a talented new director of plant and operations, successfully advocated for increased preventive and ongoing maintenance so that our physical plant and equipment are properly stewarded, and worked closely with staff to provide a healthy and safe environment, with heightened standards and precautions during the pandemic. Finally, he brings considerable skill and expertise to the school budget. more

To the Editor:

It is disappointing, though not surprising, to read the University’s press release about the importance of the School of Environmental Studies and Engineering and Applied Sciences (ES+SEAS) complex. Those of us who oppose the current design are aware of the key role that engineering plays in solving existing and future problems as well as keeping the University in the forefront of the discipline and attracting the best faculty, graduate students, and researchers. Those who oppose the design do not want to stand in the way of these goals. We are challenging the decision to tear down the Queen Anne buildings (which the University chose not to maintain over time) and move the former Court Clubhouse eating club instead of incorporating it in the design of the new complex. To equate our desire to preserve the historic nature of Prospect Avenue with undermining the goals that the University has for the ES+SEAS is inaccurate.

For me, and others, the University has lost its credibility on this project. (I say this with sadness since I am an alum of the Graduate School as well as a volunteer with several Princeton University programs.) I question whether they do intend to move 91 Prospect Avenue (as opposed to any half-hearted attempt that they will make) and wonder what their intentions are for the former eating club next door (Bobst) that the University also owns. I wonder if this is part of a grand plan for the Engineering School that has not been shared and whether more buildings on Prospect will be at risk in the future. more

To the Editor:

We are writing to urge Princetonians to vote to re-elect Eve Niedergang and to elect Leighton Newlin to Princeton Council in the upcoming election, also to cast their ballots for Phil Murphy for governor, Sheila Oliver for lieutenant governor, Andrew Zwicker for state senator, and Roy Freiman and Sadaf Jaffer for state Assembly.

In addition, there are two public questions on the New Jersey ballot, one that would allow betting on college sports and another on the use of proceeds from raffles for charitable organizations.

Voting in New Jersey has never been easier, thanks to a new law, passed by both houses of the Legislature and signed into law by the governor. You may vote early, at Princeton’s in-person early voting location in the Princeton Shopping Center, 301 North Harrison Street, to the left of the Bagel Nook, from Saturday, October 23 through Sunday, October 31, from Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. No appointment is necessary.

If you received a vote-by-mail ballot, please fill it out and return it as soon as possible, paying close attention to the directions given, then mail it or place it in a secured ballot drop box at the Princeton Municipal Building at 400 Witherspoon Street (located in the front of the building facing Witherspoon Street) or at the Princeton University Wawa/Dinky Station at 152 Alexander Street on the circle. more

To the Editor:

I am writing this letter of support for the efforts of the Cannabis Task Force (CTF). Implementation of cannabis is a critical issue for the future of Princeton.

Legislation to legalize cannabis was passed with support of the community but should be integrated through thoughtful planning and regulation. Additionally, the socio-economic benefits of cannabis must be utilized to promote growth. CTF has led the discussion to encompass: opportunities for people that lack the resources; benefits for the aging population; local ownership and Minority/Woman Business Enterprise (M/WBE) participation; and additional tax revenue that will contribute to social justice initiatives.

As someone who was born and raised in Princeton, I understand the importance of progress while maintaining core values. Goals of inclusion of the underserved and contextual implementation are fundamentals that strengthen the community. Cannabis is inevitably coming and it is up to the discretion of the community of how it is handled.  more

To the Editor:

I am writing in support of Mara Franceschi for Board of Education, ballot position F.

I have known Mara for seven years and have been in awe of her for all seven of those.  She has phenomenal energy levels that keep her moving, thinking, helping, and producing all day and long after I call it a night. She has the ability to multitask and leave nothing unattended. My daughter was at Johnson Park School while she was the PTO president and she was an ideal figurehead of the school. Before kindergarten had even started she had invited my family to an event, making us feel welcome and recruiting me to her powerful and effective PTO team.

She’s a true “one-step-ahead” person who will make a difference in the district of Princeton if she is elected to the Board. Mara will get whatever job is at hand done, period. And, she will be smiling the whole way through and that smile will spread to others.

Annie Jain
Battle Road

To the Editor:

We are so pleased to see Jeffrey Liao running for the Board of Education (BOE), with his priorities mapped out for the Princeton Public Schools (PPS).

We have known Jeffrey and his family since they moved to Princeton in 2020. Our children attended the Littlebrook School and middle school together, and we have gradually learned more about each other via all kinds of communications, playground time, and community service activities.

What impressed us most about Jeffrey, beyond his stellar educational background and credentials, is his humbleness to listen, his willingness to care, and his audacity to make changes. We firmly believe his extensive experience in science and law makes him an outstanding candidate to bring new visions and proposals for the betterment of our schools. more

To the Editor:

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us to support the Arts Council of Princeton’s first in person fundraiser in over two years. We’re grateful to our sponsors, our committee, our volunteers, and everyone who attended. You came out in strong support of the work we do in Princeton to keep our community a vibrant, creative, and connected place to call home.

Our fundraisers are essential to the free cultural celebrations we hold for our community and the free outreach programs we offer to Princeton’s most vulnerable populations: low-income children, students from HomeFront, seniors in community housing, and a new LGBTQ+ graphic novel class for teens. We’re so grateful to live in a town that values the power of creative self-expression to heal and inspire.

On behalf of the board of trustees,

Lydia Pfeiffer
Chair, Fund Development Committee

Adam Welch
Executive Director

Arts Council of Princeton
Witherspoon Street