Princeton Engineering Department reports that Yannuzzi Corporation’s removal of carpeting, non-asbestos ceiling tiles, lighting fixtures, non-asbestos pipe coverings, copper water piping, electrical wiring and office partitions from the inside of hospital buildings on Witherspoon Street is proceeding slower than anticipated and will continue for the next couple of weeks. To date, 40 dumpsters of 100-cubic-yard capacity containing recyclables have been removed from the site. The removal of additional soil from the location of the 6,000 gallon tank and the installation of the new monitoring well is scheduled to be completed within the next two weeks. Asbestos removal from the interior of the buildings is anticipated to continue through the third week of August. The contractor continues to identify additional areas of asbestos removal. To date 31-40 cubic yard dumpsters of asbestos have been removed from the site. PSE&G cut off the power to hospital buildings on Monday, August 11. A building permit is scheduled to be issued allowing for repairs to be completed to the former Hospital Parking Garage. This work is anticipated to start in late August / early September and take 8 to 9 months to complete. During this time the garage will remain open for limited parking. For more information, call the Engineering Department at (609) 921-7077 or email