“EURYDICE”: Theatre Intime has staged “Eurydice.” Written by Sarah Ruhl and directed by Lucy Shea, the play was presented November 15-17 at the Hamilton Murray Theater. Above: After a fatal accident, Eurydice (Melanie Garcia, right) arrives in the underworld and encounters her Father (Martin Brennan, left), who predeceased her. (Photo by Elena Milliken)
By Donald H. Sanborn III
According to the Greek myth, Eurydice — a nymph and, according to some versions, the daughter of Apollo — fell in love with Orpheus, who was said to be the son of the muse Calliope. Orpheus “was gifted with such extraordinary musical skills that even trees and rocks danced,” notes Britannica.com.
Fleeing to avoid the unwanted advances of Aristaeus, Eurydice was fatally bitten by a snake. Orpheus traveled to the underworld and charmed Hades with his music. Hades agreed to release Eurydice on one condition: “Orpheus and Eurydice were forbidden to look back while they were in the land of the dead.” Orpheus was unable to resist looking to see if Eurydice was following him, and she returned to the underworld forever. more