SAVING THE PLANET: Fourth graders at Riverside Elementary School successfully completed a year-long fundraising and tree-planting project last week, with some help from the Princeton Shade Tree Commission and the Princeton Education Foundation. (Photo by Janet Walder)
By Donald Gilpin
The fourth graders at Riverside Elementary School saw a collaborative project with the Princeton Shade Tree Commission (STC) come to fruition last week when two young trees were planted in the Riverside playground area.
The seven-month endeavor, also supported by the Princeton Education Foundation, began early last September during the fourth graders’ afternoon recess period. The playground had recently lost several trees, and five of Terry McGovern and Allie Klapsogeorge’s students decided to collect acorns and sell them in order to raise money to acquire a new tree for the playground.
McGovern suggested that they contact their local Shade Tree Commission (STC) to get some help with the project. Fortunately the Riverside in-house substitute teacher, Raymond DeVoe, also happened to be a member of the STC. more