Vol. LXII, No. 6
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues
I think that its an overload, and leads to a steamrolling by the richest candidates. Jody Nachman, New York City |
Overall, I believe that moving up the primaries is a good idea. It allows for a thinning of the field, so that the voters can concentrate on the candidates and make the best choice in November. Randy Hanks (with William), Hopewell |
I think that everyone will tire of the process a lot sooner. People will vote for whomever they want to. Linda Mapes, Princeton |
I am not sure of the impact, but I am sure that there are very calculated reasons for pushing them up. This is typical of how governments work changing the rules as things go along. Ehab Abousabe, Princeton |
I dont think that moving them up will make a difference, because I believe that people have already made their choices. Dwayne Proctor, West Windsor |
I think its a good thing that they have been moved up, because a few small states like Iowa and New Hampshire should not represent the whole country. Peggy Dye, Allentown |