Vol. LXIII, No. 1
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues
To be a better person, generally to be kind and loving to my family. Georgia Travers, Princeton |
To not make resolutions this year. Steve Evans, with Puccini, Princeton |
To get a full eight-hours of sleep every day. Im a student, so its kind of hard to do. Brena Zurakowski with mother, Irene, Princeton |
To do better in school. Joey Moffitt, Princeton |
Phyllis: Health for me and my family. Jeffrey: That before we raise our property taxes by re-assessments, we save money by consolidating the Borough and Township. Find a way to stay engaged in improving our government and life in the US engaged in the same way that we were in the last election. Jeffrey and Tracy Orleans and Tracys mother, Phyllis Schornagel (visiting from Michigan), Princeton |