Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXV, No. 2
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Other News

(Image Courtesy of the Princeton Public Library)
“THIS WAY OF LIFE”: Shortlisted for the 2011 Academy Awards in documentary filmmaking, “This Way of Life” closes the Princeton Environmental Film Festival on Sunday, January 23 at 4:30 p.m. Festival Founder and Librarian Susan Conlon said that the film inspires reflection on “our relationship with how we live and how we treat the earth.” The festival is free and open to the public and begins on Thursday, January 13. Visit for a complete schedule.

Environmental Film Festival Returns to Library With Oscar Nominees, Distinguished Speakers

Dilshanie Perera

Poised to inspire, the Princeton Environmental Film Festival kicks off its 11-day run this Thursday, January 13, at 4:30 with Living Downstream, an account of the relationship between environmental toxins and the body told through one woman’s struggle with cancer and her corresponding scientific investigation.

Conference on Caregiving Promises Insights, Networking Opportunities — and A Lot of Fun

Ellen Gilbert

“Nurturing the Nurturers,” a day-long free event scheduled for Saturday, January 15, at the Princeton YWCA, is being described in many ways by its several sponsors.

Suzanne Keller, Princeton’s First Tenured Female Faculty Member, Liked the Word “Transcendence”

Ellen Gilbert

Calling it “a first-rate ethnography and history,” the American Journal of Sociology’s review of the late Suzanne Keller’s final book, Community: Pursuing the Dream, Living the Reality described it as “a rich discussion of the literature of community, ranging from Plato to modern cyberspace.” Ms. Keller died last month at the age of 83.

Topics in Brief
A Community Bulletin