Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXIV, No. 9
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

“With the Academy Awards coming up, what is your all time favorite movie moment?”


“Dodgeball. We loved that movie, it’s so funny! Our favorite moment is when White says ‘you can’t make me bleed my own blood’.”

Shelly Peskin, Montgomery and Peri Feldstein, Princeton

Trudy: “The Lives of Others (a German import). There was a wonderful painting over the couch (it was a prop); it was such a wonderful painting, I went back to see the movie again. I loved the movie but, it was the painting that I went back to see.”

Trudy Glucksberg, Princeton, with friend (left) Viola Fisher, Lawrenceville

Catherine: “Some Like it Hot. When Jack Lemmon dances back to his bedroom, Tony Curtis is there with a girl and Jack Lemmon tells him that he is engaged. He is still dancing around with a rose in his mouth.”

C.K. Williams and Catherine Mauger, Princeton


“The Notebook. At the end, when she remembers him. So cute.”

Megan Richard and Erik Bakke, visiting from Minnesota

“Field of Dreams. When Kevin Costner gets to play catch with his Dad.”

Ofer Melnik and Allison Cohen, Highland Park

“Indiana Jones is the favorite family movie.”

Russo family: Jeff and Nahla with children Trevor and Ranya, Princeton

“Any movie with Woody Allen and Diane Keaton; they have so much energy and are so talented. I’m looking forward to the awards, I will watch to the end. I never miss watching Academy Awards.”

Marina Menaker, Princeton


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