Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes will present a preliminary overview of the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 budget during the formal meeting of the Board of Chosen Freeholders at 6:30 p.m., on Thursday, March 12, in Room 211 of the McDade Administration Building, 640 South Broad Street, Trenton. The County Executives annual informal address will update the freeholders on the Countys financial standing as they receive the proposed formal budget. This meeting is open to the public. County residents interested in learning about the budgetary process are encouraged to attend.
Mr. Hughes will also deliver the opening remarks at the Fourth Annual Mercer County Economic Summit, hosted by the Mercer County Office of Economic Development and Sustainability and the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, March 12. Mr. Hughes will welcome approximately 250 business owners, State and local government officials, and community leaders to the Economic Summit before introducing the Jerry Zaro, chief of Governor Jon Corzines Office of Economic Growth. The theme of the summit is Plan B!: Surviving & Sustainability in Todays Economy. It will be held from 2 to 6 p.m. at The Conference Center at Mercer County Community College. For further information, contact Cheri Durst of the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce at or (609) 924-1776, or call the Mercer County Office of Economic Development and Sustainability at (609) 989-6059.
Princeton High School (PHS) alumni are invited to join a new online community, Membership in this secure, password-protected environment, established by the Office of the Superintendent of Princeton Regional Schools, is free, and will enable participants to reconnect with faculty and former classmates; organize class reunions; discover ways to support the school; and share alumni news and acitivites. Features will include message boards and an alumni directory thats searchable by class, name, or occupation.
Upcoming events at the Old Barracks Museum, 101 Barrack Street, Trenton, include a Saturday, March 14 program on Clothing, Food and Skills of the 18th-century woman, with presentations on food preservation, ladies clothing and garment marking. Running from noon to 4 p.m., a commemoration of the first march 250 years ago of the first Foot & the 60 Royal Americans out of winter quarters in the Trenton Barracks and back to the French & Indian War campaign will be staged on Saturday and Sunday, March 21 and 22, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Admission to both events is $8 for adults, $6 for seniors, and $6 for children. Association members are free. For further information call (609) 396-1776.