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The Parking Rates Are Approved Despite Borough's Growing Budget

Candace Braun

Borough Council recently approved parking rates for the new Spring Street garage, however the rates may not remain there for long.

Rates between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. were set at $1 for each of the first consecutive three hours, and $1.50 per hour for every hour after that, with a possible total of $16.50 per day. From 9 p.m. to 9 a.m., the fare will be 25 cents for every two hours, with a possible total of $1.50 to park for a full night, or $45 for a full 30 nights.

Sundays and holidays patrons will be charged 25 cents for every two hours of parking, which is different from the previous lot on this site, which didn't charge on those days.

Roger Martindell, chairman of the Borough's finance committee, requested at the meeting on Tuesday, March 9, that Council defer setting the rates for the parking garage until the finance committee presents the 2004 budget to Council.

An increase in parking revenues could help alleviate some of the Borough's debt, he said.

"How we face our budget does have consequences for our taxpayers," he added. "One of the sources of revenue we can address is the parking garage."

A $22 million operating budget for the Borough in 2004 has been predicted by the Borough's finance committee, which is a significant increase from the $19.4 million budget in 2003.

This budget could result in a 19 cent increase per $100 of assessed value of land, or a $700 increase for the average Borough resident.

Due to a lack of time before the garage opening, Mr. Martindell's request to hike parking garage rates wasn't supported by other Council members.

Councilman Andrew Koontz suggested Council wait three to four months, and then revisit garage rates once the Borough is better able to determine the amount of revenue coming from the garage.

Councilman David Goldfarb said he did not feel it would be a good idea at this time to change the rates of the garage: "We've made a rather public commitment that the rates in the garage would be similar to the Park-and Shop lot."

He did, however, agree that it would be beneficial to the Borough to start using parking in town as a larger source of revenue for the Borough.

"Parking used to be a much larger contributor to our revenue than it has in the last several years," said Mr. Goldfarb.

Mr. Martindell said he is troubled by the significant increase in the budget this year, as Borough residents were told the downtown redevelopment project wouldn't have a significant increase on their taxes.

"It suggests to me that taxpayers are paying the underlying costs of the garage ... which is exactly what we said we wouldn't do," said Mr. Martindell.

Rates for the $13.7 million parking garage were approved by a 5-0 vote at the Council meeting. Council member Wendy Benchley was absent.

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