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Love, Marriage and Middle-Class Morality Go On Trial In Lively, Production of Shaw's "Candida" at McCarterDonald GilpinControversy over the institution of marriage may take different forms over the years, but it never seems to disappear from the forefront of our cultural consciousness. "There is no subject on which more dangerous nonsense is talked and thought than marriage," opined the great Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), and, with marriage rates declining, divorce rates soaring and same-sex partners seeking civil and theological sanctions, who knows what he might have to say about the current status of marriage in our society.
In His Farewell Westminster Choir College Concert Flummerfelt Conducts Monumental Beethoven MassNancy PlumScheduling Ludwig van Beethoven's Missa Solemnis in a concert season elicits very different reactions from performers and audiences. With more than thirty high B flats in the vocal score, sopranos usually run for cover, yet audiences revel in the massive blocks of choral and orchestral sound composed within Beethoven's total deafness. No matter what the reaction, performance of Beethoven's most significant choral work is a major event.
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