At last weeks Board of Education meeting, Rebecca Cox and Tim Quinn were unanimously elected as Board president and vice president, respectively.
She really does her homework, said Board member Mia Cahill in her nomination of Ms. Cox, who has been on the Board for four years and had been serving as vice president Shes a thinker and a problem-solver.
Describing it as a bittersweet outcome, Superintendent Judy Wilson repeated her thanks to residents of the Borough and Township for supporting the Districts proposed budget for the 2010-2011 academic year in the recent election.
Were very appreciative of those who helped, said Ms. Wilson. Although voter turnout increased from an average of 11 to 20 percent, representing the largest turnout in a decade, she regretfully noted that state budget cuts meant that there would be none of the usual program development that occurs in the aftermath of an approved budget. Instead, she reported, about 50 cuts and program changes are already underway in the district.
The budget vote was 2,359 yes and 1,163 no, a ratio of more than two-to-one. Less than half of New Jerseys municipalities approved this years proposed school budgets
Dorothy Bedford was sworn in for her second term as a Township representative to the Board, along with newly-elected members Molly Chrein (Township) and Andrea Spalla (Borough).
In a tribute to outgoing President Alan Hegedus, Rebecca Cox described the experience, honesty and financial savvy he brought to his nine-year tenure on the Board. Ms. Wilson cited his integrity and leadership.
You will be missed, said Board member Walter Bliss who read a tribute to outgoing member Joanne Cunningham. Although she resisted the limelight, Mr. Bliss praised Ms. Cunningham as a champion of diversity who shared deeply felt and strongly voiced opinions during her seven years on the Board.
Later in the meeting Ms. Wilson reported that 13 candidates have been interviewed for the open position of John Witherspoon Middle School principal, and that second and third rounds of interviews were underway.