Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXII, No. 43
Wednesday, October 22, 2008


New Cleveland Road Traffic Circles Causing All Sorts of Erratic Driving

Hunter Road

Wilkes Endorsed for Borough Council; Candidate “Understands Local Economy”

Cameron Court

Township School Building’s Location Suggests Its Use for Senior Housing

Dempsey Avenue

New Cleveland Road Traffic Circles Causing All Sorts of Erratic Driving

To the Editor:

The newly installed traffic circles on Cleveland Road are frightening. While walking my dog, I’ve probably seen every variation of erratic driving possible. In addition to the normal speeding, I’ve observed drivers going in the wrong direction, turning without going around, and disregarding the yield signs. And almost all drivers have to run over the curb turning from Cleveland into Lafayette.

There are probably more driving violations, but you get the idea. Oh, I forgot, the signage is hideous.

Before we add any more great ideas to our tortured roadways, let’s do a real evaluation of what is in place.

Hunter Road

Wilkes Endorsed for Borough Council; Candidate “Understands Local Economy”

To the Editor:

I write to express my strong support for Kevin Wilkes as Member of Borough Council. Kevin is committed to fairness, common sense, and a delightful sense of what is possible.

He is practical, imaginative, and collaborative.

In addition to helping to create Writer’s Block and Quark Park, he has served the Council of Princeton Future as director with remarkable goodwill and competence. He understands the public good. His current work for the Master Plan Subcommittee on the future of the Dinky site deserves support. More importantly, as a small businessman and employer, he understands the marketplace needs of our local economy.

He cares about the future of Princeton.

Cameron Court

Township School Building’s Location Suggests Its Use for Senior Housing

To the Editor:

As compared to Princeton Borough, Princeton Township has few historic structures. Valley Road School is one of them. There are many examples of school buildings being converted to apartments or condos. Waxwood is a great example right here in Princeton. Another is the School House Apartments in Mechanicsburg, Pa., where my husband and I lived for five years. School House Apartments was a converted high school that had been condemned as structurally unsound.

It seems to me that the corner of Valley Road and Witherspoon Street would make an excellent location for senior housing. Wouldn’t Valley Road School make wonderful apartments for seniors? If Mechanicsburg’s condemned high school could be converted to apartments, wouldn’t it make sense for the Princeton School Board and Princeton Township to make the same effort to preserve this symbol of the town’s history?

Dempsey Avenue

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