Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXI, No. 17
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

What is your favorite Shakespeare play, sonnet, or scene, and why? (Asked at the "Shakespeare in the Square" last Sunday.)

"My favorite is the sonnet, 'Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day,' because it expresses your heart."

Nishat Luhmkuhl, Mountain Avenue

"Romeo and Juliet is a beautiful play about true love."

Ranjana Madhusudhan

"We like the mystery of Macbeth, but we also like A Midsummer Night's Dream, because it's funny, romantic, and just wonderful overall."

Jeff and Janet Cooper of Rocky Hill with son Nicholas and daughter Sierra

"Hamlet is my favorite because it speaks to the nature of life and everything that it brings."

Galia Chermaya, Hawthorne Avenue

"I have never connected so much with characters or have felt pain from the writing as much as I have in reading Hamlet."

Sarah Matthes, Maidenhead Road

"We both love the story and the music in Twelfth Night. It's a great show and a lot of fun."

Vince Bimura and Julianne Chester, Shakespeare performers

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