Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXII, No. 50
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Topics in Brief
A Community Bulletin

The Princeton Township Police Department has announced that a lane closure will be necessary due to road construction related to drainage improvements in the area of Route 206 and Arreton Road. Daytime lane closures will be on Saturday 12/13 and 12/20 from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be one lane closed at all times between Hillside Avenue and Ewing Street with an alternating traffic pattern controlled by Township Police.

The Office of the Assessor — Princeton Township and Borough of Princeton has announced that because the Mercer County Board of Taxation has directed Princeton Township and the Borough of Princeton to undertake a complete revaluation of all real property within the municipality, both the Township and Borough have combined forces to undertake this task. The process which began with the drafting of specifications, interviewing of various State approved revaluation firms, and seeking of bids from those approved firms has led to the acceptance of the contract from Appraisal Systems from Morristown, New Jersey. On Monday, December 15 at 7 p.m., the approved revaluation firm, Appraisal Systems, will hold a public meeting in the Princeton Township Municipal Building Court Room. At that time a short presentation will be given by Appraisal Systems which will be followed by a question and answer period. A “Frequently Asked Questions” sheet, which provides a brief overview of the revaluation process is available from Tax Assessor Neal A. Snyder’s office and online. These questions and answers provide a basis for understanding the process of a revaluation program, which is the “equitable distribution” of the real property tax levy among all owners of real property within Princeton Township and the Borough of Princeton.

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