Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXV, No. 8
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2011 Pool Registration Begins; Stentz Promises A “Great Summer”

Ellen Gilbert

In the wake of a particularly difficult winter, along with yet-to-be resolved issues regarding the future of the new pool, the recent news that the Princeton Recreation Department has begun registration for Community Park Pool memberships for the summer of 2011 seemed particularly reassuring to many.

“The issue of the new pool and all that’s going on with that is not connected to the effort we’re going to put forth to open this spring,” said Executive Director Ben Stentz. “Obviously, there’s a bigger picture for the future, but as soon as the weather breaks, our staff will be out there and they’ll be working to make it as beautiful as ever.”

Mr. Stentz acknowledged that in making the pool “as beautiful as ever,” the Department may be courting danger. The continuing beauty of the three pools and their park-like setting has led some naysayers to question the actual need for refurbishing the pool complex.

“It’s tricky,” admitted Mr. Stentz. “We spend a lot of time talking about the age of the pool and the potential problems that could come up. On the other hand it’s time for registration. The fact remains that the pool is pushing 45 years and it’s time to build a new one. We’ve planned appropriately, and we expect it to be a great summer.”

“Early bird” discounts for selected membership options are being offered by the department through April 15. Membership is available to Princeton residents as well as nonresidents from other communities.

The Community Park Pool complex consists of three pools; the 50-meter main pool; a diving pool; and a “kiddie pool.” The pool complex also includes a concession stand, men’s and women’s changing rooms, showers, and a playground. The tennis complex consists of 15 courts; six are lighted after sundown.

With Borough Council due to vote on Tuesday night (after press time) on whether or not to support pool financing, Mr. Stentz said that he is “trying to stay neutral with my feelings. I feel confident that building the pool is the right thing to do,” he added, noting that the Rec Department staff “can’t wait to pull the cover off the pool and do what we do to prepare for the summer.”

Online registration, the opportunity to print a downloadable registration form, and updated news are all available at Questions, including information about tennis memberships and financial aid, may be called in to (609) 921-9480. For information on tennis lessons or classes, call the Princeton Tennis Program at (609) 520-0015 or go to

One thing the department won’t be doing this spring is mailing the Spring/Summer brochure to every area household, as it has in the past. In the interests of cutting down fewer trees and saving some money, copies of the brochure, which is due out around April 1, will be available at key locations downtown (e.g., the library) and at the Recreation Department office next to Township Hall on Witherspoon Street. Mr. Stentz reported that every household will soon receive a postcard to this effect.

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