Vol. LXII, No. 4
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues
“We’ve come a ways, but not far enough. His message could be the hope for the change that everybody is talking about. Dr. King gave us leadership in direction, and if we followed it faithfully, we’d be further along than we are today, and if we are going to show other people how to live, we must first live that way ourselves. We have a great model in King, and hopefully some of our current leaders will follow in his footsteps and take us to a new light.” Len Newton, Princeton |
“I think there’s a lot that’s been done, but there’s definitely a lot more work to do.” Sabitha Bansinath, with her daughter, Bindu, North Brunswick |
“I definitely think that people are still living the message, but I think there’s a lot more that we can do, not only in our own individual ways, but as well as institutions, including higher education institutions, private businesses, corporations, and local and national governments.” Chief Steven Healy, director of Public Safety at Princeton University |
“In regard to today’s presentation, Dr. King’s vision and his goals around social justice are connected to the debate on immigration. What’s unfortunate is that we’re using this topic of immigration to divide people and to say who deserves the American dream and who doesn’t. Having said that, I think we can use this an opportunity to look back to the founding of America, and look at what it was about in terms of people coming here and finding that American dream through education and upward mobility.” Makeba L. Clay, director, Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding, Princeton University |
“As an immigrant, I know that a lot of people come here for work and education. I am thankful for all that Dr. King did and I can feel the effects of his fight for civil rights and freedom.” Stanley Wright, Ewing |