Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXIII, No. 25
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

“Are you planning any summer activities such as day trips or catching up on books that you have been meaning to read?”


Annette: “Day trips to the beach and reading lots of teen books.” Hope: “Going to Maine for the summer.” Michelle: “I like to read magazines and books by the pool and at the beach. I will be going to cheerleading camp for three days. Preseason cheerleading starts in August.”

Annette Moreno (left), Hope Morgan (center), Michelle Moreno (right), Princeton

“We would like to take some day trips in the area. We just picked up this Princeton Area Life magazine to give us some ideas.”

Dorothy and Spiros Caramalis, Princeton

Memphis: “I’ll be studying for and taking the SAT class this summer. I want to read Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer.” Moriah: “I’ll be working at the Clay Street Learning Center. I would like to read: The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming The American Dream by Barack Obama and reread Hard Times by Charles Dickens.”

Memphis Madden (left) and Moriah Akrong, Princeton


Joe: “We’re planning to go to the Pocono Mountains for a weekend.” Nicole and Colin: “We will be going to every playground in the area with a local play group.”

Joe and Nicole Robinson with son Colin, Princeton

Natasha: “I’m looking forward to tubing in the Shenandoah Valley for a week and weekend trips in the area. The next book I would like to read is Love Medicine by Louise Erdrich.” Hilary: “Going to the Newport Folk Festival for a day, in Newport, Rhode Island.”

Natasha Dravid (left) and Hilary Sims, Princeton


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