Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXI, No. 19
Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

"Who is your favorite author?" (Asked at the Teen Book Bash at the Princeton Public Library)

"Right now, I am reading something by Stephanie Meyer. She captures my interest. I usually don't like fantasies, but she mixes fantasy with contemporary."

Halima-Rakiya Gikandi, Laurel Road

"I really enjoy Austen Burroughs who wrote Running With Scissors."

Sarah Bourscheid, Dogwood Hill

"I would have to say J.K. Rowling because as I was growing up, the Harry Potter books were very different to me. This wizard, who was our age, was doing all this stuff that we could never do, and it was an escape for me, and I still read them!"

James Merceus, William Patterson Court

"I have been studying Charles Dickens's Great Expectations in English class, and that is a really great book, so I will go with that for now."

Julia Taub, Philip Drive

"Kurt Vonnegut. He has a unique style of writing that I find funny and I enjoy reading it."

Taylor Strasburger, Lafayette Road

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