Mice and Men, and Ticks and Deer: The Last Word on Lyme Disease
SourceTo the Editor: Concerning Louis Edge's letter
(Town Topics, May 5), it is Mr. Edge, not I, who presents misleading
information. His quote from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
makes only one point: the apparent connection between the number
of deer on the East coast and the number of blacklegged ticks
(the insect that carries the spirochetes that cause Lyme disease).
There is no mention of any connection between deer and Lyme disease
itself. And for a good reason. As I wrote previously, "It's
the mice, not the deer." Of all the blacklegged ticks on
the east coast, only a relative few harbor the spirochetes. Which
ones? "Transmission of the Lyme disease spirochete is from
blacklegged ticks which have ingested the spirochete from its
primary reservoir, the white-footed mouse" (New Jersey Division
of Fish, Game and Wildlife, 1990). "The deer don't
get Lyme disease, nor do they carry the spirochetes. The deer
don't become ill, and their blood is a poor source of the spirochete"
(Telford et al., 1988). So if you contract Lyme disease,
almost certainly it wasn't from a deer, but from a white-footed
mouse. There are plenty of places where deer are seldom seen,
but Lyme disease is common. Why? Around most human habitations,
Lyme disease resides in the plentiful mice and the ticks they
support. What does the CDC actually tell us about Lyme
disease? Recently, it reported a 40 percent rise in Lyme disease,
and that the disease is acquired from tick-carrying rodents (USA
TODAY, 5/6/04). According to epidemiologist Erin Staples of the
CDC, "the majority of Lyme disease cases are acquired in
a person's own backyard. It's best to prevent infection in the
first place by wearing insect repellent and doing daily tick checks."
Newly available bait boxes can be placed around houses. When tick-carrying
rodents enter the box, they're doused with insecticide that kills
the ticks. It also helps to clear leaf litter from a yard and
to put a border of gravel or wood chips around the perimeter of
a yard as a buffer between forest and lawn. Clearly it's
time to stop blaming deer, and concentrate on the effective ways
to combat Lyme disease. CHARLES K. BOWMAN Oak
Creek Road East Windsor Martindell
Backer Cites Candidate's Vote Against Borough Tax IncreaseTo
the Editor: I would like to urge support for Roger Martindell
in the Princeton Borough Democratic primary on June 8.
Several qualities make his candidacy especially appealing to longtime
residents like me. He has consistently promoted joint Borough/Township
initiatives to deliver more effective municipal services at reduced
cost. For example, for many years he has promoted joint police
and dispatch services within the larger community. He has the
commitment and the experience in federal, state, and county government
to bring about more of these joint services. With the Princetons
facing unusually great tax pressure for the foreseeable future
we badly need municipal leaders who bring know-how and imagination
to this problem. Also, Roger is not doctrinaire or beholden
to any particular group. He is pragmatic and independent-minded,
questioning conventional wisdom, challenging assumptions, and
seeking public debate on issues facing the community. He stood
alone asking for careful consideration of the downtown project,
insisting that Borough Council should have the estimated costs
of the project before giving their approval, and he assumed quite
rightly there would be all kinds of unseen extra costs, which
indeed there were. He alone also voted against the Borough's 2004
tax increase. We sorely need this kind of local representative
who questions priorities, is legitimately concerned about cost
overruns, and can handle our resources and future growth responsibly.
He has his ears open to what the people of Princeton want. MARY
BUNDY Great Road Great Strides
Walk Raised $100,000 To Fund Cystic Fibrosis ResearchTo
the Editor: A great thanks to the generous people of Princeton,
Cranbury, West Windsor, Hamilton, Montgomery, Pennington, and
Ewing for the success of the April 18 Great Strides Walk to Cure
Cystic Fibrosis at the Princeton Battlefield. The generosity of
our community is demonstrated by the prayers, the concern, and
the $100,000 raised by the participants. The entire amount will
be used to fund research efforts to treat and cure this fatal
disease. Thank you! The newspaper is not large enough
to list everyone who contributed but we will try: Dow Jones, the
Distler family, the Caricato family, the McQuaid family, Futures
and Options for Kids, the Witten-Nappi family, the Huber family,
the Hartman family, the Wislar family, and the student jazz quartet
from PHS. The delicious sandwiches were prepared and donated by
the Vacarro-Everman family; the XS Energy Drink was donated by
Deanna Jefferson. The public and private school students
set the course, distributed sandwiches, cookies, and tee shirts,
and cleaned up the park. They organized dress down days and managed
the publicity by posting signs everywhere. McCaffrey's
Markets in Princeton and West Windsor promoted paper "roses"
for $1 donations. Roses are the symbol of this disease because
when little children say Cystic Fibrosis, it sounds like "65 Roses."
Water was donated by Wegmans Market. Pennington Market also contributed.
The course was marked in colorful signs sponsored by Louis Russo,
D.D.S., photographer Natalie Caricato, The Pediatric Group, Joanne
Reiffe Fishbane D.M.D., Kenneth Goldblatt M.D., Medical Center
at Princeton, Nassau Street Seafood, Mark's Trackside Auto Repair,
Omni Environmental Corp., Cranbury Design Group, Antonia's Restaurant,
Potters Alley, The Daughters of Penelope, Bear Sterns, Princeton
Eyecare, Princeton Real Estate Group, Jersey Shore Radiology,
Styling Station, Sports Medicine of Princeton, the First Washington
State Bank, The Princeton Group, and the Gallup Road neighborhood.
We are hopeful that the awareness and money raised by this event
nationwide will change the meaning of the initials CF from Cystic
Fibrosis to Cure Found. Those of us with children with Cystic
Fibrosis are deeply touched by the warmth and generosity of the
community. Thank you again! MARY, PAUL, JOHN,
Street Garage Payment Options Render New Facility "User Unfriendly"To
the Editor: The non-partisan Concerned Citizens predicted
that the user-unfriendly garage would not be attractive to the
majority of Princeton citizens and likely would not be fiscally
sound. We never imagined, however, that the misguided promoters
of it would also limit its use only to those Ph.D.'s who could
figure out how to get in and out. The first day it opened
I stood at the entrance and watched people arrive as one of three
or four attendants stopped them to tell them how to pay for it.
(A simple way used to be to simply touch a button and get a ticket
and on exit you paid the cost.) Now, first you must decide if
you are going to pay by cash, credit card (Visa or Mastercard),
or the new Smart Card. Of course, at this point you don't know
what a Smart Card is. You then get a ticket for cash, nothing
for either card inserted which is stored on a computer until you
come out. When you leave you have to go to a machine near
the entrance where you re-insert the credit card, the Smart Card,
or ticket where you pay the cash into the machine. You take that
new transaction item with you, try to remember where you left
your car, and when you exit you then re-insert the credit card,
the Smart Card or the ticket. Lest this isn't clear, it
wasn't to most people going through, nor even to several of the
attendants I talked to. Oh yes, the Smart Card. That's a debit
card that you can store money in by feeding cash or credit card
into an adjoining machine (or at Borough Hall). Then, how do you
know how much money is left in the card when you return two days
later? Oh, says the attendant, you can insert the card into the
machine and see what your balance is. Now you're in bookkeeping.
When I asked one attendant if they were going to continue having
to educate each driver as they entered, he said yes, for some
time. "Then most people who are regulars will understand."
Except, of course, those tourists and occasional users. Library
users get an hour free but have to make these same choices as
they enter, in case they linger. Borough Council had other
options to consider for parking they never followed through on.
Now, I think it is only fair that each incumbent, with ex-Mayor
Marvin Reed as chairman, take a shift at the entrance for four
hours each day and try to instruct visitors on the unclear and
unnecessary imposition on the patience of garage users. (Oh yes,
the attendant told me, no one is around after midnight to help
straighten you in or out). If I'm wrong on any of this I'll go
back for a postgraduate course. Oh, happy daze. Oh, misguided
Borough Council. Oh, for a simple parking meter. HERBERT
W. HOBLER Tulane Street Women's
College Club of Princeton Thanks Its Benefit Luncheon DonorsTo
the Editor: As president of the Women's College Club of
Princeton, I wish to thank the many area merchants who generously
contributed merchandise or services to the silent auction held
at our annual Scholarship Benefit Luncheon on May 3 at the Present
Day Club. Because of the support of the business community and
our members, we are able each year to award college scholarships
to outstanding young senior women in our local secondary schools.
Our heartfelt thanks go to the following merchants for their donations:
Amalfi's Cuisine, Lawrenceville; Chevy's Fresh Mex, Lawrenceville;
Friends Salon, Hopewell; Good Time Charley's, Kingston; Hot Locks,
Kingston; La Principessa Ristorante, Kingston; Pennington Quality
Market, Pennington; Peppi's Hair Design, Rocky Hill; Princeton
Fitness and Wellness Center, Rocky Hill; Robinson's Fine Candies,
Montgomery; ShopRite, Lawrenceville; Wegmans, Lawrenceville; and
Blue Point Grill, Just Because Florists, McCaffrey's, Metropolis
Hair Salon, and Zorba's Brother Restaurant, all of Princeton. BARBARA
JOHNSON Ewing Street First Aid
& Rescue Squad Grateful For Alchemist & Barrister's SupportTo
the Editor: I am writing to express the Princeton First
Aid & Rescue Squad's gratitude to the patrons, employees,
and management of the Alchemist & Barrister for their generous
donation through the Long Beard Competition and Guest Bartenders
this spring. The $3,100 donated by all involved is a tremendous
boost in our efforts to provide high quality emergency services
to the Princeton community. Due to recent flood damage,
the loss of an ambulance, and a $40,000 shortfall in our annual
fund drive, these contributions are especially valuable as the
Squad plans for the future. We are projecting an eight to nine
percent increase in calls in 2004, and our members are dedicated
to providing the highest quality of emergency medical and technical
rescue services to the Princeton community. To owner Tom Schmierer
and everyone who had a role in this contribution, thank you for
supporting our organization. MARK MANDEL President,
Princeton First Aid & Rescue Squad Borough's
Budgeting Process Benefits From Greater Public ParticipationTo
the Editor: On May 25 at 7:30 p.m., Mayor and Council will
continue the public hearing on Princeton Borough's 2004 municipal
budget, begun April 27 when approximately 40 persons attended,
many making constructive and pointed comments. Those attending
the three-hour April 27 hearing suggested among other things: - seeking
greater contributions from Princeton University and other tax-exempt
- reducing Borough staff, such as by not filling
police vacancies;
- increasing Borough employee health department
deductibles and co-pays;
- cutting Borough programs;
- holding
2005 Borough appropriations to 2004 levels (an approximately $900,000
reduction in a $21.8 million budget);
- supporting a New
Jersey constitutional convention to reduce municipal, county,
and school district dependence on the real property tax.
Interestingly, other than demands for greater contributions from
tax-exempt organizations, few suggested that the Borough consider
increasing non-tax revenues to reduce the Borough's dependence
on municipal taxes as the primary source for paying for municipal
services. Non-tax revenues, including parking rates and
fines, deserve another look. Over the last 15 years such revenues
have increased at one third the increase in the municipal tax
rate. By raising parking fees and fines, Borough taxpayers can
shift the cost of municipal government from the homeowner and
renter to the those who use our streets, including especially
persons from out of town. Pending further adjustments in
the 2004 budget, Mayor and Council have directed the Borough administration
to hold 2005 appropriations to 2004 levels, and to produce a 2005
budget this September, so that the effect of proposals to keep
2005 spending at 2004 levels can be analyzed well before the 2005
budget year begins on January 1. These are constructive
first steps toward multi-year budgeting. An increase in non-tax
revenues, tied to relief to the taxpayer dollar for dollar, would
be a welcome additional proposal which I hope the community would
embrace. Traditionally, members of the community have not
participated much in public hearings on the municipal budget.
Perhaps that is changing in Princeton Borough. It is encouraging
to see greater public involvement in our municipal budgeting process. ROGER
MARTINDELL Member, Princeton Borough Council Prospect Avenue Dangerous
Township Intersections Call for New Preventive MeasuresTo
the Editor: I am a resident of Jefferson Road and on a
daily basis take my life in my hands either walking or driving
through the various streets that cross Jefferson. I have been
both witness and victim to hundreds of close calls at the streets
that cross Jefferson and have been on the scene of quite a number
of actual collisions. I have seen cars on their roof and in people's
gardens at these same junctions and can only wonder what Township
officials are waiting for to put an end to this situation.
The STOP signs at these cross streets do not work, and it is well
past time that the Township realized this. It is only a matter
of time before someone dies at one of these junctions, and then
we will see swift action. Perhaps the Township would consider
some preventive measures instead, like better STOP signs with
flashing lights, speed bumps, or rumble strips before the STOP
signs. The ultimate solution would be to make all the cross streets
on Jefferson four way stops, with speed bumps or rumble strips,
a solution that would also slow down the traffic and make collisions
less likely. [I hope they] do something constructive before
one of my neighbor's children or one of my own gets killed in
their own front garden. THOMAS ROONEY
Jefferson Road Honorees at Hall of
Fame Dinner Were Princeton's Athletic NotablesTo The Editor:
Recently, I had the pleasure of attending the inaugural Princeton
High School Athletics Hall of Fame dinner, sponsored by the Friends
of Princeton Athletics (FOPA) and the Princeton Regional Schools.
First, let me express my appreciation to Bob "Fitzy" James (PHS
'62), FOPA president and Hall of Fame master of ceremonies; my
lifelong friend and "Jugtown" neighbor, Marc Anderson, Hall of
Fame committee chair; and the rest of the Committee and FOPA members
who put together a professionally-staged event in a pleasant setting
and relaxing atmosphere. For me, my wife, and some out-of-town
guests, the evening was like a reunion, seeing so many people
that we hadn't seen for a long time, as well as those that we
see more often around town. Let us hope that this wonderful event
will lead to the development of a solid Princeton High School
Alumni Association, which, for the most part, has been non-existent.
Second, what a thrill it was for me to witness the induction of
so many worthy and notable athletes and coaches. They spanned
the decades, from Albert Hinds '23 to Bram Reynolds '94, and included
an Olympic gold medalist (Leslie Bush '65), a professional soccer
player (Saskia Webber '89), a professional football player (Paul
Miles '81), and a professional basketball player (Marvin Trotman
'56). As for coaches and educators, they were, and are, legends
Irwin Weiss (1940s-50s), Dick Wood '32, Tom Murray '54,
and Mr. Trotman. The rest of the inductees All-County,
All-State, All-Region, and some All-Americans exhibited,
by example, the finest qualities of student athletes and team
players. It was amazing and humbling for me to be among so many
talented and genuine people. I encourage all people connected
with Princeton High School to support FOPA, so that it may continue
to build upon its hard work for the betterment of all the athletic
programs and facilities at PHS and Princeton Regional Schools. ROBERT
O. "BUFFALO" SMYTH, PHS '60 Coach Drive Lawrenceville President,
Harrison Athletic Club On Flag Day,
Spirit of Princeton Will Dispose of Old Flags ProperlyTo
The Editor: The Spirit of Princeton will conduct the Disposal
of Unserviceable Flags on June 14, Flag Day. This ceremony creates
a dignified and solemn occasion for the retirement of unserviceable
flags, according to the Flag Code, which states, "when a flag
has served its useful purpose, it should be destroyed, preferably
by burning. For individual citizens, this should be done discreetly
so the act of destruction is not perceived as a protest or desecration."
If your American flag is old, torn or moth-eaten, let The Spirit
of Princeton dispose of it for you. The drop-off box is
located at The Flower Market, 26 1/2 Witherspoon Street.
Alternatively, those wishing to dispose of an old flag may bring
it with them to a ceremony at Borough Hall at noon on June 14.
It you have any questions, call (609) 683-4008 between the hours
of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., and ask for Ray. RAYMOND
R. WADSWORTH Chairman, Spirit of Princeton Arts
Council Controversy Continues To Roil Community as Hearing NearsTo
the Editor: On Thursday, May 20 at 7:30 p.m., Princeton's
Regional Planning Board will meet to hear the Arts Council's application
for expansion. In its application, the Arts Council seeks every
zoning variance applicable in the Witherspoon-Jackson neighborhood.
For example, the size of the building will be doubled. The maximum
lot coverage will be exceeded. Minimum building setbacks for both
side and front yards will be violated. Inadequate arrangements
are made for loading spaces and garbage pickup. No permanent provision
is offered for off-street parking. The size and number of signs
exceed what is permitted. In short, the Arts Council's
application disregards the zoning ordinances and the site plan
regulations that would protect every other neighborhood in Princeton.
Residents' attendance at Princeton Township Municipal Complex
is needed to express concern regarding the Arts Council's application. MINNIE
CRAIG Witherspoon Street ERIC CRAIG Witherspoon Street MARTHA
To the Editor: Many of the letters to the editor about
the expansion of the Arts Council in the Witherspoon-Jackson community
are written in good faith. However, the history of our community
should be well understood before assumptions and statements are
made. First of all, many of the Arts Council's programs for this
community are off site for children. Many adults in the Witherspoon-Jackson
neighborhood are not consistently invited to programs held in
the building. Second, the reason the building was constructed
was to house the colored YMCA that existed in other buildings
in the neighborhood before the building on the corner of Green
and Witherspoon Streets was built. There were many other buildings
and institutions other than the YMCA building and our churches
where social events took place. Our history shows that this area
between Jackson Street and Birch Avenue was designated for us;
we did not choose to live in this area. (Many of our ancestors
lived on Edgehill Road, Battle Road and other areas in Princeton.)
This has been a community that served the more affluent families
who only came into the Witherspoon-Jackson community to pick up
the people who cleaned their houses, washed and ironed their clothes,
and took care of their children. Since we were not welcomed
in stores and establishments beyond Wiggins Street, we had a thriving
community of domestic workers, restaurateurs, entrepreneurs, barbers,
hair stylists, doctors, teachers, construction workers, cleaners,
taxi drivers and lawyers. There was a school for colored children
that had caring and well-informed teachers, four churches, and
because our churches were places of worship, there had to be other
institutions for activities and events. There were three fraternal
organizations with their own buildings and several social clubs.
Our main concern has been the total disregard of the Arts Council's
intent to build an oversized building on an already congested
corner, the recognition for the name of the building, and for
those in this community who, since the 1800s have been prominent
figures in Princeton. There is no denial to move forward; just
look at how Witherspoon Street will be improved from Wiggins Street
to Birch Avenue. Our past has not been "bitter and difficult
and ugly"; in fact the Witherspoon-Jackson area was a proud and
productive community. It was the people through the years with
their racist manners that made it bitter, difficult and ugly.
Having given the walking tour and shown slides of the African-American
community in Princeton, and being one of many people in this neighborhood
whose families have been in Princeton for generations, I strongly
suggest that before any information is written about the Witherspoon-Jackson
neighborhood that those who need to be informed talk with the
many people in this neighborhood who will give you the correct
information about an historic community and its residents who
need to be respected, not patronized. SHIRLEY
A. SATTERFIELD Quarry Street To the Editor: The
expansion of the Arts Council will not be a rebuke of the inglorious
segregated past of Princeton. Rather, the unnecessary doubling
of the size of the building will generate more burdens to the
residents of the Witherspoon-Jackson neighborhood in the short
and long term. We will see the continued forced removal and gradual
disappearing of the neighborhood in Princeton that has been most
integrated. This process this disappearing act began
with Princeton's urban renewal project called Palmer Square and
the destruction of Jackson Street. The process continues today,
not just with the Arts Council's expansion plans but with many
other inter-related social, economic, and political factors and
decisions that do not take seriously the needs and rights of the
less affluent and less powerful. In the long run we will see the
continued loss of racial, ethnic, cultural, and economic diversity
in this neighborhood because current residents and their children
will not be able to afford to pay taxes and live here.
It is not hard for me to imagine the reason that the "Black
Y" building was constructed. Many of the disparities that existed
then are still present in Princeton and in American society more
broadly. We have overcome some of the overt ills of the past but
not all. Perhaps the most significant thing we have not yet achieved
is the ability to be honest about the continuing legacies with
which we struggle. Let's be honest. The Arts Council needs
a good and aesthetically pleasing renovation with some reasonable
amount of additional space. It does not need to be doubled in
size, to the detriment of the neighborhood, to the destruction
of its history, and to the diminishing of the potential of its
residents and succeeding generations to live here. HENDRICKS
DAVIS John Street To the Editor: This is a letter
that I have been reluctant to write simply because of my continuing
belief that good people will work together to arrive at a fair
and equitable solution to an obvious wrong. Needless to say, my
faith in the power of good people to do good things is shaken
by the continuing determination on the part of the Arts Council
to impose bad things on good people. In their public proclamations
they portray themselves as good and charitable people working
for the "disadvantaged" of the community. Admittedly
a noble credo. But at what expense to the neighbors and the community?
The Arts Council is determined to build a "mega-building"
in a "mini-neighborhood." We have all heard the voices
of elected officials and our fellow citizens who express their
outcry against "mega-mansions." How does the Arts Council
pursue its quest for a "mega-building"? By insisting
that the Regional Planning Board grant them variances from every
possible zoning regulation, and such other variances and waivers
of site plan regulations that may be required under the circumstances
to build their building. Unfortunately, many of the good
people of the Arts Council are not seriously involved in arriving
at an amicable solution to a serious problem. Peter Bienstock,
a board member and spokesman for the Council, stated publicly
that if the addition were proposed for a site across the street
from his house, he, too, would be opposed (New York Times, Nov.
6, 1999). Many in the neighborhood welcome the Arts Council. But
good people everywhere resent bad zoning violators. JAMES
A. FLOYD Harris Road To the Editor: Over the
course of many years the Arts Council's contributions to the Princeton
community enriched the lives of young and old alike. Through a
wide array of courses, programs, celebrations, and single events,
this non-profit organization brought together a diverse array
of our neighbors and colleagues to focus on the multiple dimensions
of the arts. Accomplishing these objectives without appropriate
facilities, indeed working around restrictions imposed by the
WPA-era building, places a continual strain on teachers, pupils
and the attending public. Since its construction and subsequent
adaptations, Princeton has evolved with new immigrant groups,
more students, and overall boasts a greater awareness of the importance
of cultural and ethnic diversity. That times change and
broad community needs exist merit recognition by the critics of
the proposed building. Parking is now feasible in three public
facilities, all less than three minutes away. If need be, the
streets immediately adjacent to the Arts Council could adopt a
resident-only parking requirement, as exists elsewhere in the
Borough. The scale of the new public library and parking garage
suggests that the renovated and enlarged building will have an
appropriate visual balance. Programmatic needs and building code
requirements further underscore the urgency of moving ahead with
the approvals. Further delays will only impoverish cultural life
and opportunity for our residents. Especially for the hundreds
of children benefiting annually from classes and programs, time
is of the essence. They are children only once. PETER
T. JOHNSON Hamilton Avenue To the Editor: Princeton's
Arts Council offers area residents fine programs and adds greatly
to our quality of life. I know; I have taught a writing class
there since 2000 and served on the Arts Council's Literary Program
Committee for several years. Nevertheless, I oppose the
Arts Council's expansion as currently proposed. On May
20, the Arts Council will take that proposed expansion before
Princeton's Regional Planning Board. There, despite final negotiations
with the John-Witherspoon neighborhood initiated by Princeton
Future, despite SPRAB's recommendation that the Arts Council's
expansion reflect only its actual program, and despite a survey
of nearly 200 Arts Council neighbors that showed 95 percent support
for reducing the proposed 19,000 square foot building by 25 percent,
the Arts Council will present plans very little changed from those
that failed last year and changed not at all to reflect
recent negotiations, SPRAB, or the survey. Princetonians
outside the John-Witherspoon neighborhood may think the neighbors'
objections to the proposed expansion are due only to a history
of racism. To me, they seem perfectly reasonable responses from
a neighborhood asked to accept every possible zoning variance:
lot coverage, setbacks, parking provisions, and the like. Much
of the proposed expansion, moreover, is clearly unrelated to the
Arts Council's modest program of teaching, performing, and exhibiting.
And the rooms unrelated to the Arts Council's program are identified
as having only one use: a theater lobby one board member identified
as "meet-and-greet" space, a room dedicated to deliberations of
the Arts Council's governing board, a Communiversity Room holding
a library of as-yet unpurchased art books that should be shelved
instead in a staffed area. An organization ought not ask
for zoning variances without first considering how to make the
most efficient use of the space it seeks. These single-purpose
rooms, finally, are clustered at the Paul-Robeson Place end of
the proposed new building, in or next to Michael Graves' signature
rotunda. Which came first, the iconic rotunda and then the question
of what to do with it, or the idea of a Communiversity Room and
then a rotunda to put it in? One can sympathize with the Arts
Council's trustees. How they must have yearned to expand and improve
the Arts Council's facilities and give Princeton a major building
on a prominent corner lot by its best-known architect. But no
residential neighborhood should be forced to accept zoning variances
on an already non-complying building merely to host an icon of
postmodern architecture. Not mine, not yours, and not the John-Witherspoon
neighborhood. ANNE WALDRON NEUMANN Alexander
Street To the Editor: We are afraid that people
are not aware of how important it is to support the Arts Council
in its effort to serve us better. If the proposed renovation
of the Arts Council of Princeton does not become a reality, the
entire community will be poorer for it. We are in desperate need
of a suitable venue for community performance, the practice of
studio arts for adults and children, exhibitions, film screenings,
and arts demonstrations. The improved facility will bring
with it a tremendous opportunity for the entire community to expand
their cultural horizons as both practitioners and audience. What
is more, an enhanced and more productive Arts Council facility
can enrich Princeton in the material sense as well. It is an economic
given that enhanced arts and cultural centers are good for the
health of surrounding businesses. As has been amply demonstrated
in other communities, a thriving arts center generates commerce,
a critical need at a time when the proliferation of malls and
suburban centers threaten the heart of downtown Princeton. Enhancing
the local arts community will, in fact, help preserve Nassau Street
as a thriving downtown and, as such, indirectly contribute to
our tax base. Over the years, many of us have participated
in writing, music, community, and charitable programs, and enjoyed
countless exhibitions and entertainments free films, concerts,
and other programs at the Arts Council often under make-do
circumstances because of the building's limitations. Arts in Princeton
will be better in an improved setting. The present building
cannot accommodate the artistic programs so valued and badly needed
in this community. In the past, events such as a community dance,
writers' forums, art shows, and film screenings displayed the
inadequacy of the present facility. With proper spaces for such
enriched programs, the Arts Council could nourish cultural diversity
and make a major contribution to the intellectual richness of
this community. Arts in Princeton will he better in an improved
setting. Support of the Arts Council would define Princeton
as a place where art matters. HELEN SCHWARTZ Jefferson
Road ALBERT STARK Lovers Lane ELLEN STARK Lovers Lane
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