Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXIV, No. 47
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

“What is your most unusual, interesting, or funny Thanksgiving memory?”


“We were on our way to Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving and we saw a huge wild turkey cross the road on our way.”

Nir, Kobi and Rachel Gabay, Voorhees, N.J.

“A period piece Thanksgiving with my brother Dave and our Uncle Bob (age 94) in Philadelphia. We went to the place where George Washington, John Adams, and others had all eaten in their day, at the City Tavern. We all had a great time!”

Lesley Bush, Princeton

“We’re hard core campers and we‘d packed up our precooked campers Thanksgiving turkey dinner.  We were in the Grand Canyon when a blizzard hit. We ended up meeting two other campers on the trail and one turned out to be Marcy’s childhood friend. The four of us went to a restaurant that evening. We did sleep in our tents that night.”

Marcy and Craig Voelker, Moorestown, N.J.


“Our first turkey on our first Thanksgiving, we’re from Germany and had never had turkey, it’s not our tradition. I have already ordered our turkey for this year.”

Andreas Hamel with son, Eric Rutloff, Princeton

“My ruined puffed pastry, a recipe from Martha Stewart. It was a disaster.”

Deidre Owen and daughter, Alice Owen-McAteer, Skillman

“I’m from Morocco. I found eating turkey at 4:30 in the afternoon the most unusual thing for Thanksgiving.”

Rachid Benmoussa with son, Jawed, and daughter, Noor, Princeton


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