Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXIII, No. 40
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

“What sort of books are you looking for at a sale like this?”
(Asked at the Friends of The Princeton Public Library Book Sale)


“Nothing in particular; anything that catches my fancy.”

Nomita Abreu, Princeton 

“Primarily African American history, slavery and reconstruction.”

Michael Strassberg, Lawrenceville

“Fiction, cartoon and humor books.”

Alex Rosen, Princeton


“Anything interesting, particularly cooking, gardening and decorating.”

Kathy Arton, Princeton

“Magic trick books.”

Charles Hamit, Princeton

Dominique: “I’ve got an affinity for old books. I’m browsing for historical fiction and classics. Looking for old copies of Shakespeare.” Gabriel: “Looking for old sheet music.”

Dominique Jones and Gabriel Levine, Princeton


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