Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXII, No. 41
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

Are you looking for anything in particular and what would be your idea of a treasure? (asked at the Library book sale)


“If I found something of Edward Gans, that would be great. He wrote about commercial flying in the old days.”

Kate McDonald, Yardley

Connie: “We both teach ancient world cultures, grade 6, and we are looking for books to enlarge our classroom libraries.” Justin: “Anything related to one of the cultures we study, i.e., ancient Egypt, Rome, Africa and Greece.”

Justin Mathews and Connie Escher, John Witherspoon School

“A signed Fitzgerald would be a treasure. He went to school here, didn’t he?”

Jason Haber, Phoenixville, Pa


“Any books for our friends’ children. A treasure would be something that is signed or illustrated by a famous artist.”

Caroline Manning with her husband, James, Princeton

“Looking for books about and by African Americans as well as books on stamps and children’s books. A treasure would be a first edition.”

Rebecca Brown, Philadelphia


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