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| Borough Council to Reconsider Donation for Holiday ProgramCandace BraunAt last week's Borough meeting, Council members voted unanimously to reduce the amount of money requested by the Borough Merchants for their Old Fashioned Holiday program from $7,500, to $5,000. This was due in part to the Borough's lengthy budget demands for the year, which have caused the municipality to raise taxes 14 cents per $100 of assessed valuation of land. "[Borough Merchants] need to understand where the Borough's funds are right now," said Councilman Andrew Koontz. Borough Administrator Bob Bruschi contended that the amount the Borough donates toward the holiday events was increased last year from $5,000 to $7,500 due to the amount of construction that was taking place in town. Usually the Borough would bag parking meters so that visitors attending the holiday events could park for free; that was not possible last year, however. Councilman Roger Martindell said now that the Spring Street garage is available, where residents can park free for 30 minutes, the Borough should not have to offer this extra money in lieu of parking. Mr. Brushi disagreed, saying that the Borough should view itself as a partner in downtown business: "We're partners ... their success dictates our success." Several Council members agreed that a special improvement district could help fund downtown events such as this. "I think a SID ... would go a long way to resolving a lot of issues," said Mr. Bruschi. Council members approved a $5,000 donation toward the program, and agreed to allow Kathy Morolda, president for Borough Merchants, to speak to the reasons the organization needs the additional funds again this year. Ms. Morolda was scheduled to speak at the Council meeting last night after Town Topics presstime. The
Borough Merchants' Old Fashioned Holiday program would include
horse and carriage rides from noon to 6 p.m. every weekend
between Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve, holiday decorations
along Nassau Street, as well as a strolling Santa and strolling
musicians throughout the holiday season. | |||||||||||||||