Town Topics — Princeton's Weekly Community Newspaper Since 1946.
Vol. LXIV, No. 41
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Town Talk

A forum for Princeton residents to express opinions about local and national issues

Question of the Week:

“What does the Princeton Library represent to you?” (Asked during the Library’s centennial celebration.)


“A great resource, a real community center. I get scores of books for a two-year-old from here.”

Paul Suozzo with son, Julian, Princeton

Dudley: “As Leslie Burger has said, ‘the library is the community’s living room.’ If you look around, half the town is here today. I think the biggest change since I left is to see so much of what the whole community brings back into this building.” Jan: “A lifetime opportunity to make a difference to everyone who comes to the library.” Both: “Couldn’t feel luckier than to be a part of the Princeton Public library.”

Dudley Carlson (Children’s Librarian for many years) with Jan Johnson, who took over as the Children’s Librarian

Landon: “Always the place I went every half day Wednesday growing up in Princeton.” Beth: “Growing up, the library was the place to go before the internet, to do all my research for class projects.”

Landon Jones, Philadelphia (born and raised in Princeton) with Beth Vaccaro Jones


“Learning, books, and knowledge.”

Marjorie Steinberg, Princeton

Jean: “Represents community, a wonderful place to pick up books and meet neighbors.” Charles: “Books, movies, reading.”

Jean Crider with son Charles, Princeton

“A place that is fun, safe, interesting and exciting!”

Kathy Glading with son Albert, Princeton


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