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Vol. LXII, No. 42
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Keylock-Malvar-Ruiz. Melissa Joy Keylock, daughter of the late Mrs. Adrienne Keylock of Elgin, Illinois and Dr. Les Keylock of Tampa Florida to Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, son of Maria Antonia Ruiz-Redondo of Madrid, Spain and Jose Antonio Malvar-Campos of Vigo, Spain were married on August 26 in Lawrenceville. The brides grandparents, Jack and Helen Todd of Lexington, Kentucky, celebrated their 70th anniversary a few weeks before the wedding.
The bride earned her undergraduate degree in music education at Wheaton College and a master of music in conducting from Butler University. She is a choral director with the Princeton Girlchoir in Princeton and Moorestown Friends School in Moorestown. The groom earned undergraduate degrees in piano performance and music theory from the Real Conservatorio Superior de Musica in Madrid, Spain, and a masters degree in choral conducting from Ohio State University. He is the Litton-Lodal Music Director of The American Boychoir in Princeton.
The couple honeymooned in the Dominican Republic and reside in Lawrenceville.